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政府的基本职能 ,也就是政府要做什么 ,不要做什么 ,一直都是理论界和实际工作者争论和探讨的重要问题。关于政府的基本职能主要有两职能说和四职能说 :古德诺认为政府职能可以概括为政治职能与行政职能 ;马克思和恩格斯认为政治统治和社会管理是政府的两大职能 ;国内有的学者 The basic functions of the government, that is, what the government should do and what not to do has always been an important issue that theorists and practitioners have argued and discussed. On the basic functions of the government, there are two main functions and four functions: Goodour thinks the government functions can be summed up as political functions and administrative functions; Marx and Engels think the political rule and social management are the two functions of the government; some domestic scholars
便携机性能终于出现了突破性进展。6.9磅重,采用低电压75MHz Pentium芯片的Toshiba T4900CT笔记本机,性能超群,笑傲那些蠢笨的台式PC。 在几个月前,Twinhead和AspenComputer
国际电脑有限公司(ICL)最近推出彩色笔记本电脑系列,充分发挥组件式的灵活设计,随时可以“套用”各种不同的组件。 ICL的彩色笔记本电脑系列都配备一个Type Ⅱ或者两个Type
由于Intel推出新的100MHz DX4CPU,使得能够得到非常快的计算机,其速度接近于Pentium系统,然而价格却比已经降价的Pentium还要便宜。 Hewlett-Packard(惠普公司)的HPVectra V
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Patients and Results. To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in patients with type 1 diabetes and investigate the clinical symptoms, we screened 183 pati
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在人们认为笔记本机不可能在功能上与台式机相匹敌叶。IBM和Panasonic分别推出的多媒体便携机ThinkPad 755CD It is unlikely that notebooks will function as well as des