
来源 :青少年书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a2622139
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本刊从本期开始新增“专家访谈”栏目,本着“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的主导思想,请当代著名书家、书法理论家谈当代书法篆刻的创作现状、理论研究、未来发展走向,书法家、篆刻家个人的生存状态及创作,风格与流派,继承与创新以及国家级书法展览的作品水准、展览机制等。访谈一般以原文照登的方式刊出,使各书家、学者直抒己见,特别欢迎书坛老一代书家、学者充分发表见解,一吐为快,无论其认识正确与否,甚有偏激之论,讲出来总会对指导书学、纠正时风产生一定的积极意义,这样也更有利于我国艺术事业的发展和进步。欢迎来稿,文字在3000字内。本期特编发野草先生整理的沙曼翁先生访谈录,以飨读者。沙曼翁先生所谈,涉及当代书家、画家、篆刻家之创作,属一家之言。遵照作者意见,原文照登。书道同仁,读者朋友若有不同看法,可撰文进行商榷,将文章寄本刊编辑部,我们将选择编发。 From the beginning of this issue, the new “Expert Interviews” section has been established. In accordance with the guiding ideology of “letting flowers flourish, and contending with one hundred schools of thought”, today’s famous book writers and calligraphy theorists discuss the current status, theoretical research, and future development of calligraphy in calligraphy. The living conditions and creations of the individual and the seal carving family, their styles and schools, inheritance and innovation, and the level of the works of the national calligraphy exhibition and the exhibition mechanism. Interviews were generally published in the form of original texts, so that the book writers and scholars expressed their views directly. We particularly welcome the old generation of book writers and scholars to fully express their opinions and to express one’s opinion. Regardless of whether their understanding is correct or not, they are extremely radical. Speaking out will always have a positive effect on guiding scholarship and correcting the current situation, which is also more conducive to the development and progress of our country’s artistic career. Welcome to the manuscript, the text is within 3,000 words. Special interview with Mr. Shaman Weng organized by Mr. Weeds was made in this issue to readers. Mr. Shamanon talked about the writings of contemporary bookers, painters, and sealers, and it is a statement of the family. Follow the author’s opinion and follow it as it is. If you have different opinions, readers and friends may write articles to discuss the articles and send them to the editorial department of the publication. We will select and issue them.
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