On Spatiotemporal Series Analysis and Its Application to Predict the Regional Short Term Climate Pro

来源 :大气科学进展:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxzjlei
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A variational technique (VT) is applied to estimate surface sensible and latent heat fluxes based on observations of air temperature, wind speed, and humidity,
高中语文必修五陶渊明的《归去来兮辞》中有这样一段话:  “归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归!既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。”  这一段话是陶渊明在官场生活一段时间后,彻底认识到了官场的黑暗腐败,决心与官场决裂,回归田园的宣言书。其中有一句话“问征夫以前路”,学生在学习时出现了不同的理解。有的同学
Adopting the Easterling-Peterson (EP) techniques and considering the reality of Chinese meteorolog-ical observations, this paper designed several tests and test
一、从关键词句把握材料主旨,再联系人生确立论点 例1:2013年全国高考新课标卷作文题 一位商人发现并买下一块晶莹剔透、大如蛋黄的钻石。
HALOE data from 1992 to 2003 are used to analyze the interannual variation of the HCl volume mixing ratio and its quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the strato
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