
来源 :大连医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaska
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作者将临床确诊为系膜增生性肾小球肾炎MsPGN的病例分为轻、中、重三组,从每组中随机抽取10例作为实验组1、2、3,取3例正常肾组织作为对照组。然后对所选取的33例分别进行光镜图像分析,间接免疫荧光检查。结果显示:在Masson三色染色的绿染部分分析结果中,中、重度MsPGN与正常比较有显著性差异(p<0.05)。PASM黑染中,重度与正常比较有显著性差异(p<0.05)。间接免疫荧光见:正常及空白对照组肾小球内未见Ⅲ型胶原,有少量Ⅳ型胶原分布于毛细血管基膜及系膜区。Ⅲ型胶原在中、重度MsPGN中出现,Ⅳ型胶原随着病变进展明显增加。以上结果表明,在MsPGN病变过程中Ⅲ、Ⅳ型胶原参与系膜基质扩增及肾小球硬化过程,图像分析可反应出MsPGN的病变程度. The clinical diagnosis of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis MsPGN cases were divided into mild, moderate and severe three groups, randomly selected from each group of 10 cases as the experimental group 1, 2, 3, take 3 cases of normal kidney tissue as Control group. Then 33 cases were selected for light microscopic image analysis, indirect immunofluorescence. The results showed that the moderate and severe MsPGN was significantly different from the normal (p <0.05) in the Masson trichrome staining results. There was significant difference between PASM black stain and severe and normal (p <0.05). Indirect immunofluorescence showed that no type III collagen was found in glomeruli of normal and blank control groups, and a small amount of type IV collagen distributed in capillary basement membrane and mesangial area. Type Ⅲ collagen appeared in moderate and severe MsPGN, and type Ⅳ collagen increased with the progression of the lesion. The above results show that during the process of MsPGN, type III and type IV collagen are involved in mesangial matrix expansion and glomerulosclerosis process, image analysis can reflect the severity of MsPGN.
1 .某金属冶炼厂的管道烟泥中含有某些金属,随机取样对烟泥进行分析.由表1中的数据可知,在烟泥中含有相当量的铜、锌以及能造成污染的硫.因此,从效益和环保角度出发,应考虑把
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