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引言 2002年7月-12月,本刊连续刊载《本土化妆品行业转型》一文,如一石击水,在业内引发涟漪效应,众多媒体与网站纷纷转载,行业转型一时成为本土化妆品业最热门的话题。长期致力于本土化妆品行业发展研究的中国美容化妆品行业观察员陈曦先生盛赞该文充满发人深省的独到观点,体现了极高的专业水准,《中国化妆品》主编称该文对本土中小企业有着相当的指导意义。该文作者——广州思凯沃咨询有限公司总经理张兵武先生,也因其广博的理论修养与深厚的实际操作功力,被一些业内媒体视为美容化妆业品牌管理咨询领域最具实力的青年才俊,思凯沃咨询公司作为最具潜力的化妆品咨询团队随之浮出水面。带着一探思凯沃咨询公司庐山真面目的心理,本刊记者对张兵武先生及思凯沃团队进行了一次深度访谈。 Introduction In July-December 2002, the magazine published a series of articles titled “Transformation of the Local Cosmetics Industry”, such as a stone hit and a ripple effect in the industry. Many media and websites have reprinted, and the industry transformation has suddenly become the hottest topic in the local cosmetics industry. Long-term commitment to the development of the local cosmetics industry cosmetic industry observers in China Chen Xi praised the article full of thought-provoking unique perspective, reflecting the high professional standards, “China Cosmetics” editor said the text of the local SME has a considerable guiding significance . The author - Mr. Zhang Bingwu, the general manager of Guangzhou Sikaiwo Consulting Co., Ltd., is regarded by some media in the industry as the most powerful brand management consultancy in cosmetics industry because of its extensive theoretical cultivation and profound practical skills. Young talent, thinking Kaiwo consulting company as the most potential cosmetic consulting team surfaced. With a Siquiwo consulting firm Lushan really face the psychological, correspondents on Mr. Zhang Bingwu and Sikewo team conducted an in-depth interview.
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