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试验通过在亲代及子代饲料中增减蛋氨酸(Met)含量,观察其对虹鳟鱼的影响。日粮以3种植物为主要成分,根据Met含量不同分为缺乏组(BD组)、正常组(BA组)和过剩组(BE组),在产卵前6个月饲喂亲代雄性和雌性虹鳟鱼。子代虹鳟鱼孵出后,重新分成3组,根据Met含量不同分为3组,缺乏组(FD组)、正常猪(FA组)和过剩组(FE组),为期3周。产卵时,BD组雌性虹鳟鱼的血浆总胆固醇含量、低密度脂蛋白含量显著增加,血浆中三酰甘油含量降低。Met不足抑制了雌性虹鳟鱼生长,而对雄性虹鳟鱼无影响,且雌性虹鳟鱼产卵期体重和卵的质量均下降,但不影响生殖能力。游离氨基酸的减少造成卵母细胞性质发生变化来适应不同Met水平。Met和胱氨酸(Cys)的相互作用,卵母细胞中S-腺苷蛋氨酸(SAM)和S-腺苷同型半胱氨酸(SAH)水平也随之变化,而对SAM/SAH无影响。在上游阶段,亲代日粮干物质重无显著变化,而BE组亲代存活率最高。随后21 d中,鱼苗日粮中不同的Met水平与虹鳟鱼生长指数间有显著的相关关系。亲代虹鳟鱼肝脏中调节含硫氨基酸代谢水平的基因表达受日粮中Met含量的直接影响,也受到Met摄入量的间接影响。鱼苗长期饲喂过程中,Met摄入量产生的影响可从亲代传递到子代。同样,在外源性作用长期进行下,神经肽(NPY)和阿黑皮素原(POMC)基因表达方面的影响可从亲代遗传到子代。亲代影响也对肌源性基因肌细胞生成素(Myog)和上游的FMHC和GDH产生影响。试验结果表明,长期饲喂过程中,日粮中Met水平不同对虹鳟鱼形状产生不同影响。而亲代对子代影响的作用方式则需要进一步研究来探索具体的机制。 The effects of rainbow trout on rainbow trout were observed by increasing or decreasing methionine (Met) content in the parental and offspring feed. The diets consisted of three kinds of plants as the main components and were divided into the deficient group (BD group), the normal group (BA group) and the surplus group (BE group) according to the content of Met, and the male and female parents were fed 6 months before spawning Rainbow trout. The offspring of rainbow trout were hatched and re-divided into three groups, which were divided into three groups according to the content of Met, lacking group (FD group), normal pig (FA group) and surplus group (FE group) for three weeks. At the time of laying eggs, the total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein of the rainbow trout in BD group increased significantly and the content of triglyceride in plasma decreased. Met deficiency inhibited the growth of female rainbow trout and had no effect on male rainbow trout, and the weight and egg quality of female rainbow trout decreased during spawning but did not affect reproductive capacity. Reduced free amino acids cause changes in oocyte properties to accommodate different Met levels. Met and cystine (Cys), the level of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine ​​(SAH) in oocytes also changed, but had no effect on SAM / SAH . In the upstream phase, there was no significant change in dry matter weight of the parental diet, whereas the highest in the BE group was found. In the next 21 d, there was a significant correlation between different Met levels in fry diets and rainbow trout growth index. Gene expression in the liver of the rainbow trout parental regulators regulating sulfur metabolism of amino acids is directly affected by the Met content in the diet and indirectly by the Met intake. During the long-term feeding of fry, the effects of Met intake can be passed from parent to offspring. Similarly, the effects of neuropeptide (NPY) and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) gene expression can be inherited from offspring to offspring with long-term exogenous effects. Parental effects also have an effect on the myogenic genes Myog and upstream FMHC and GDH. The results showed that the long-term feeding process, dietary Met levels have different effects on rainbow trout shape. The role of parental influence on offspring needs further research to explore specific mechanisms.
<正> 1库仑和1法拉有多大?如何理解这两个单位?我们从学生学过知识的不同角度和学生一道进行了下面一些有趣的讨论。 1.每一个电子的电量为e=-1.6×10-19库,容易算出需n=1/(1
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“物理教学”决定对质量概念展开讨论的消息引起我们很大的兴趣.出于对这个问题的关心,我们也想谈谈我们的一隅之见,其谬误所在还有待同志们指正. 现在对质量的看法大家的意