Comparison of peg-interferon, ribavirin plus telaprevir vs simeprevir by propensity score matching

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhi911
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AIM: To compare efficacy of telaprevir(TVR) and simeprevir(SMV) combined with pegylated interferon(PEG-IFN) and ribavirin(RBV) while treating chronic hepatitis C(CHC). METHODS: In all, 306 CHC patients were included in this study. There were 159 patients in the TVR combination therapy group and 147 patients in the SMV combination therapy group. To evaluate pretreatment factors contributing to sustained virological response at 12 wk(SVR12), univariate and multivariate analyses were performed in TVR and SMV groups. To adjust for patient background between TVR and SMV groups, propensity score matching was performed. Virological response during treatment and SVR12 were evaluated.RESULTS: Overall rates of SVR12 [undetectable serum hepatitis C virus(HCV) RNA levels] were 79.2% and 69.4% in TVR and SMV groups, respectively. Patients in the SMV group were older, had higher serum HCV RNA levels, lower hemoglobin, higher prevalence of unfavorable interleukin-28B(IL28B) genotype(rs8099917), and poorer response to previous PEG-IFN and RBV treatment. Propensity score matching was performed to adjust for backgrounds(n = 104) and demonstrated SVR12 rates of 74.0% and 73.1% in the TVR and SMV groups, respectively. In the TVR group, discontinuation rates were higher because of adverse events; however, breakthrough and nonresponse was more frequent in the in SMV group. Multivariate analysis revealed IL28 B genotype(rs8099917) as the only independent predictive factor of SVR12 in both groups.CONCLUSION: SVR12 rates were almost identical following propensity score matching. AIM: To compare efficacy of telaprevir (TVR) and simeprevir (SMV) combined with pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) while treating chronic hepatitis C. METHODS: In all, 306 CHC patients were included in this study. There were 159 patients in the TVR combination therapy group and 147 patients in the SMV combination therapy group. To evaluate pretreatment factors contributing to sustained virological response at 12 wk (SVR12), univariate and multivariate analyzes were performed in TVR and SMV groups. Virological response during treatment and SVR 12 were evaluated .RESULTS: Overall rates of SVR12 [undetectable serum hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels] were 79.2% and 69.4% in TVR and SMV groups, respectively. Patients in the SMV group were older, had higher serum HCV RNA levels, lower hemoglobin, higher prevalence of unfavorable interleukin-28B (IL28B) genotype (rs8099917), and p Propensity score matching was performed for adjustment for backgrounds (n = 104) and demonstrated SVR 12 rates of 74.0% and 73.1% in the TVR and SMV groups, respectively. In the TVR group, discontinuation Multivariate analysis revealed IL28 B genotype (rs8099917) as the only independent predictive factor of SVR12 in both groups. CONCLUSION: SVR12 rates were almost identical following propensity score matching.
Q:男人在得到女人的时候,习惯性地将重心转向事业,还美其名曰这样的奋斗都是为了我们的将来!可你知不知道,女人需要的到底是什么?  我和男友是大学同学。我是个个性比较强的女生,又能歌善舞,在学校在班级都挺红的。而他是并不算出众,成绩平平、长相平平,还好他很可爱,懂得哄我开心,做事情踏实,给我安全感,他的真诚善良打动了我,大二我们就这样在一起了。感情还算不错,大学毕业,我们一同留在了这个相恋的城市。毕
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本文结合爆破实践,提出了药壶爆破设计依据、作用原理、参数选择和施工方法,为进一步应用这项爆破技术提供了有益的经验。 Based on the practice of blasting, this paper