
来源 :神经解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yijun5802382
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应用神经节切除术和胆碱酯酸级化法,对19只新西兰家兔大脑前、中、后动脉的胆碱能神经的形态学变化进行了比较观察,目的在于探明主要的大脑动脉胆碱能神经与蝶腭神经节、耳神经节的关系.根据两组动物实验(①非手术组:不切除神经节,只对大脑前、中、后动脉进行胆碱酯酶染色,作为正常对照之用;②手术组:按五组不同组合方式,分别切除神经书,然后进行胆碱酯酶染色,观察不同方式的切除手术后的胆碱能神经的变化)的结果证明:非手术组的各主要大脑动脉壁上均存在丰富的棕红色胆碱能神经纤维,主干及分支都清晰可见,神经纤维密度呈(+++).手术组各种方式的切除神经节的结果,表现为出现胆碱酯酶聚积现象和神经纤维的分布密度降低(++、+),未发现神经纤维消失.本研究的结果又提示,家兔一侧的主要大脑动脉胆碱能神经的节后神经元可能与双侧的蝶腭神经节和耳神经节有关。 The morphological changes of cholinergic nerve in the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries of 19 New Zealand rabbits were compared with the results of ganglionectomy and cholinesteration assay. The purpose of this study was to identify the major brain artery gallbladder The relationship between the basal ganglia and the sphenopalatine ganglion and the ear ganglion. According to two groups of animal experiments (① non-surgical group: without removal of ganglia, only the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries cholinesterase staining, as a normal control; ② surgical group: five different combinations, respectively Excision of the nerve book, and then cholinesterase staining to observe the different ways of cholinergic nerve resection after surgery) results show that: non-surgical group of the main cerebral artery wall are rich in brown-red cholinergic Nerve fiber, trunk and branches are clearly visible, nerve fiber density (+++). The results of resection of the ganglion in various ways in the operation group were as follows: cholinesterase accumulation phenomenon and decrease in distribution density of nerve fibers (++, +), and no disappearance of nerve fibers. The results of this study suggest that the postganglionic neurons of the cholinergic nerves of the major cerebral arteries on one side of the rabbit may be related to the sphenopalatina ganglion and the otic ganglion on both sides.
“路啊路,布满了改革者 蹒跚的脚步” —题记 在邯郸市联纺路东西不足两公里的路段,集中了汉光机械厂、棉二、棉三、棉四各自的职工医院、俱乐部、子弟学校——“企业办社会
根据过程系统中各种单元装置的用能特点 ,提出过程用能一致性原则和用能特性 ,并形成一大规模的虚拟换热网络 .在此基础上 ,提出大规模换热网络的分解方法———基于流股虚拟
本文在以R1 34a为蓄冷工质实验的基础上 ,阐明气体水合物作为蓄冷工质的蓄冷技术可行性。通过大量实验得到气体水合物蓄冷技术中工质选择与蓄冷槽的设计原则 ,揭示了添加表面
中国与德国——东方与西方,历来是探讨中西文化碰撞时绕不开的热点。歌德作为德国文 China and Germany, the East and the West, have always been the hot spots to explo