Multi-objective Optimization of Co-cured Composite Laminates with Embedded Viscoelastic Damping Laye

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiexieni777
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Presented herein is a methodology for the multi-objective optimization of damping and bending sti-ness of co-coured composite laminates with embedded viscoelastic damping layer.The embedded viscoelastic damping layer is perforated with a series of small holes,and the ratio of the perforation area to the total damping area is the design variable of the methodology.The multi-objective optimization is converted into a single-objective problem by an evaluation function which is a liner weigh sum of the two sub-objective functions.The proposed methodology was carried out to determine the optimal perforation area ratios of two viscoelstic layers with different perforation distance embedded in two composite plates.Both the optimal perforation area ratios are approximate to 2.2%.However,the objective value of the plate with greater perforation distance in embedded viscoelatic layer is much greater. Presented herein is a methodology for the multi-objective optimization of damping and bending sti-ness of co-coured composite laminates with embedded viscoelastic damping layer. The embedded viscoelastic damping layer is perforated with a series of small holes, and the ratio of the perforation area to the total damping area is the design variable of the methodology. The multi-objective optimization is converted into a single-objective problem by an evaluation function which is a liner weigh sum of the two sub-objective functions. The proposed methodology was carried the optimal perforation area ratios are two viscoelastic layers with different perforation distance embedded in two composite plates. is much greater.
<正> 1979年,吐鲁番地区文管所在著名的阿斯塔那古墓地发现了北凉沮渠蒙逊夫人彭氏的墓葬(编号为79TAM383),经过清理,出土了一件帛书随葬衣物疏,以及一些很有价值的文物。这些出土文物,虽然与该地区同期其他墓葬出土文物并无太大区别,难以显示墓主的身分地位和出身族属,但无疑仍是近年来该地区考古取得的又一重大成果。
杭州湾大桥是世界上最长的跨海大桥。它全长36千米,双向6车道,共有各类桩基7000多根,其中水中区域打钢桩4000多根,工程规模突破了国内建桥史的纪录。大桥装有数字化监视系统,监控大桥的维护管理。   整座大桥呈S形,线条优美,非常壮观。大桥在离南岸大约14千米处,有一个海中平台,人们可以在这里观赏美丽的大海。