
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon746cn
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我们何桥公社位于铜山县西北部,黄河故道横贯境内,砂碱荒地较多,干旱风沙灾害比较严重,粮食产量低而不稳。长期以来,广大干部群众从生产实践中逐步认识到只有植树造林,才是防风固沙、促进农业生产发展的有效途径。现有成活用材林2800亩,四旁植树310万株,“三条”2300亩。 在发展林业生产中,我们特别狠抓了泡桐的生产,取得了可喜的成绩。迄今为止,全社现有泡桐27万多株,蓄积量达1000多立方米。在工作中逐步认识到发展泡桐有三大好处: 一、泡桐生长快,收入大。除少数低洼重碱地外,泡桐生长速度快,一株泡桐栽植后,4年可成棒材,6年可成板材,10年可成大材。赵台大队朱庄东队56亩泡桐,8年生最大单株材积达0.85立方米,总蓄 Heqiao commune is located in northwestern Tongshan County, the Yellow River anachronism traverses the territory, more alkali sand wasteland, drought and sandstorms more serious, low and unstable grain output. For a long time, the majority of cadres and the masses have gradually realized from the production practice that only tree planting and afforestation is an effective way to prevent wind and sand and promote the development of agricultural production. Existing timber forest 2800 acres, planting 3.1 million trees on all sides, “three” 2300 mus. In the development of forestry production, we pay particular attention to the production of paulownia and achieved gratifying results. So far, the whole community has more than 27,000 Paulownia strains, volume of more than 1,000 cubic meters. Gradually realized in the work of the development of Paulownia has three major advantages: First, Paulownia grow fast, large income. In addition to a small number of low-lying heavy alkali, the growth of Paulownia fast, a Paulownia planting, 4 years into a bar, 6 years into a plate, 10 years into large timber. Zhaozhuang Brigade Zhu Zhuangdong 56 acres of paulownia, 8-year-old largest single volume reached 0.85 cubic meters, the total storage
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本项试验研究,找出了有效储藏坡垒(Hopea hainanensis)种子的主要技术条件,这就是确定和保持种子安全含水量,大粒种子为36—38%,小粒种子为33—35%;控制储藏温度在15—20℃;降
火力楠(Michelia macclurei)是我国南亚热带常绿阔叶用材树种,主要分布在广东和广西省。由于它生长快、材质好和用途广,近年来造林面积和范围逐年增加,仅广东省高州县就陆续