Predicting crest settlement in concrete face rockfill dams using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference syst

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803zhushuangyi
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This paper deals with the estimation of crest settlement in a concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD), utilizing intelligent methods. Following completion of dam construction, considerable movements of the crest and the body of the dam can develop during the first impoundment of the reservoir. Although there is vast experience worldwide in CFRD design and construction, few accurate experimental relationships are available to predict the settlement in CFRD. The goal is to advance the development of intelligent methods to estimate the subsidence of dams at the design stage. Due to dam zonification and uncertainties in material properties, these methods appear to be the appropriate choice. In this study, the crest settlement behavior of CFRDs is analyzed based on compiled data of 24 CFRDs constructed during recent years around the world, along with the utilization of gene expression programming (GEP) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) methods. In addition, dam height (H), shape factor (S f ), and time (t, time after first operation) are also assessed, being considered major factors in predicting the settlement behavior. From the relationships proposed, the values of R 2 for both equations of GEP (with and without constant) were 0.9603 and 0.9734, and for the three approaches of ANFIS (grid partitioning (GP), subtractive clustering method (SCM), and fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM)) were 0.9693, 0.8657, and 0.8848, respectively. The obtained results indicate that the overall behavior evaluated by this approach is consistent with the measured data of other CFRDs. This paper deals with the estimation of crest settlement in a concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD), utilizing intelligent methods. Following completion of dam construction, considerable movements of the crest and the body of the dam can develop during the first impoundment of the reservoir. Although there is vast experience worldwide in CFRD design and construction, few accurate experimentalships are available to predict the settlement in CFRD. The goal is to advance the development of intelligent methods to estimate the subsidence of dams at the design stage. Due to dam zonification and uncertainties in material properties, these methods appear to be the appropriate choice. In this study, the crest settlement behavior of CFRDs is based on compiled data of 24 CFRDs constructed during recent years around the world, along with the utilization of gene expression programming (GEP) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) methods. In addition, dam height (H), shape f actor (S f), and time (t, time after first operation) are also assessed, is considered major factors in predicting the settlement behavior. From the relationships proposed, the values ​​of R 2 for both equations of GEP (with and without constant ) were 0.9603 and 0.9734, and for the three approaches of ANFIS (grid partitioning (GP), subtractive clustering method (SCM), and fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM)) were 0.9693, 0.8657, and 0.8848, respectively. The obtained results indicate that the overall behavior evaluated by this approach is consistent with the measured data of other CFRDs.
在各地2012年高考复习备考的模拟试题中,出现了大量新颖题,本文精选部分试题,供大家参考.题1(北京市东城区2012届高三上学期期末考试题)已知M是由满足下述条件的函数构成 A
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目的:建立超高效液相色谱法(UPLC)同时测定银翘散中绿原酸、连翘苷、连翘酯苷A、牛蒡苷含量的方法。方法:采用UPLC法,ACQUITY UPLC BEH C_(18)色谱柱(2.1 mm×100 mm,1.7μm)
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