
来源 :课程教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericawanghnu
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2012年,广州市在义务教育阶段开始艺术课程实验,许多人疑问重重。这里且把我和一些教师的问答摘录出来,供大家参考指正。问:开展艺术教材的实验,是否意味着音乐、美术老师今后都要一个人进课堂既教音乐,又教美术,还要教戏剧、舞蹈和影视?答:不是这样的,长江版艺术教材虽然是一门综合艺术课程的教材,但是在操作上不是给现有艺术教师(音乐与美术教师)增加困难,不需要教师一个人音乐美术戏剧舞蹈什么都去教,而是让教材适应于现有教师队伍。在操作上不改变教师队伍结构,不改变以往单科教学的基本模 In 2012, Guangzhou started its art course experiment at the stage of compulsory education, and many people have questions. Here and I and some teachers Quotations extracted for your reference correction. Q: Does the experiment in art teaching material mean that music and art teachers should all come into the classroom in the future to teach music, teach fine arts, and teach drama, dance and film? A: No, the art of Yangtze River Edition Is a teaching material for a comprehensive art curriculum but it is not designed to increase the difficulty for existing art teachers (music and art teachers) in operation but does not require a teacher. Music, drama and theater dance teach everything. Instead, they adapt the teaching materials to the existing Teachers. In the operation does not change the structure of teachers, does not change the basic model of single-teaching
STD总线控制结构是一种模块化结构,组态灵活,可根据不同的需要构成不同的系统,本文介绍应用STD总线控制模板和研制的配套软件,构成电力监控系统的应用实例. STD bus control stru