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“七月的核桃, 八月的梨, 九月的柿子上满集……” 回老家的路上,孩子的一声轻吟,猛把我的思绪拉到了从前。噢,摘柿子的季节又到了。 我的老家在沂蒙山区的一个旮旯里,就在那一堆堆的卧牛石之间,生长着一棵棵疙疙瘩瘩的老柿树。一场寒风刮过,漫山遍野的柿树一夜间脱去了墨绿的夏衣,裸露出粗糙如鳞片状的筋骨,那若小红灯笼的柿子挂满树枝,弯着腰低垂着头,默默地把孕育了一夏的甘甜奉献出来,本来有点冷意的秋,经过这柿子的渲染,倒显得红火火、热腾腾的了。 柿树极耐瘠薄和干旱,听我爷爷说,解放前有一年大旱,本来就缺水的山区更是雪上加霜,地里的裂纹能伸进拳头,牛羊等和人争水的畜牲早杀着吃了,梧桐、杨柳等叶落干枯,庄稼已没了指望,只有那一棵棵柿树在顽强地汲取地心的水分,努力地支撑着……后来,就剩下了这些柿树。不仅如此,那年,附近村天天都往外抬死人,唯独我们村例外,几十位老人靠柿饼度过了一个难挨的冬天。年轻的后生讨饭回来后见此情景,给最大的一棵柿树上了供,行三拜九叩大礼。从 “July’s walnuts, pears in August, and persimmons in September are full ...” On the way back home, the children whispered and pulled my thoughts to the fore. Oh, the season is picking persimmons again. My hometown was in the midst of Yimeng Mountain, between the piles of lying stones and stones, growing with a lump of lush persimmon trees. A wind blew over the mountainous persimmon one night off the dark green summer clothes, bare as scaly ribs, that if the small red lantern persimmon hanging branches, bowed his head bowed, silently Dedicated to the sweet gave birth to a summer, had a bit cold autumn, after the rendering of this persimmon, it seems prosperous, hot. Persimmon extremely barren and drought, listen to my grandfather said that a year ago before the liberation of the drought, the already dry mountain is even worse, the cracks in the ground can reach the fist, cattle and sheep compete for water and livestock premature kill Eat, sycamore, willow and other leaves dry, crop has no hope, and only that persimmon tree persimmons to draw the water of the ground, and efforts to support the ... ... Later, the persimmon left. Not only that, that year, the village near the village every day to lift the dead, except our village exception, dozens of elderly rely on dried persimmons spent a hard winter. After returning to discuss this scene young condolences to the largest one for the persimmon tree, the line three worship nine knock gift. From
1.函授班是否继续开办,如何办手续? 答:食用菌周年栽培技术和泡沫板菇房周年栽培草菇技术两个函授班开办一年多来,得到读者的厚爱,要求参加学 1. Correspondence classes c
何以,下野了野心仍留在台上的政客们都选择了钓鱼? 姜太公索性用直钩。袁世凯更作“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钩寒江雪”。这鱼篓子里哪是鱼哟,是心计,是权谋,是静忍,是虚幌,是锋芒藏暗
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