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应用免疫组织化学方法(ABC法)观察了阿片μ受体(mu-opioidreceptor,MOR)在猫脊髓和脊神经节内的分布。在脊髓内,MOR样免疫反应产物主要分布于神经毯(neuropil)内,偶尔可见阳性胞体。致密的MOR样免疫反应产物主要分布于背角的Ⅰ、ⅠⅠ层。在胸腰髓和骶髓的中间带外侧核、中央管周围灰质、骶髓节段的后连合核和Onuf核内发现有中等密度的MOR样免疫反应产物。背索外侧部的Lissauer束内的纤维亦呈现中等密度的免疫阳性染色。此外,脊神经节内分布大量MOR样免疫反应细胞。切断后根后,发现术侧背角浅层内MOR样免疫反应产物密度有明显降低;而半横断脊髓后,切断平面上下脊髓背角浅层内MOR样免疫反应产物密度无明显改变。上述结果表明,阿片μ受体在猫脊髓内主要分布于背角浅层,终止于背角浅层的外周传入纤维中含有MOR。 Immunohistochemistry (ABC method) was used to observe the distribution of mu opioid receptor (MOR) in the spinal cord and spinal ganglia of cats. Within the spinal cord, the MOR-like immunoreactive products are predominantly localized in the neuropil, with occasional positive soma. The dense MOR-like immunoreactive products mainly distributed in the Ⅰ, Ⅰ Ⅰ layer of the dorsal horn. Median density MOR-like immunoreactive products were found in the medullar lateral nucleus of the thoracolumbar and sacral medulla, the periventricular gray matter, the posterior commissural nucleus of the sacral canal segments, and the Onuf nucleus. Fibers within the Lissauer bundle outside the dorsal cord also showed medium density immunopositive staining. In addition, a large number of MOR-like immunoreactive cells are distributed in the spinal ganglia. After cutting the posterior root, the density of MOR-like immunoreactive products in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn at the operative side was significantly reduced. However, the density of MOR-like immunoreactive products in the superficial layers of the spinal dorsal horn at the cut-off plane had no significant changes after the transection of the spinal cord. The above results indicate that opioid mu receptors are mainly located in the superficial layer of dorsal horn in the spinal cord of the cat, and the peripheral afferent fibers terminating in the superficial dorsal horn contain MOR.
布鲁诺·贝莱佩尔(Bruno Belpaire),原比利时高级 汉学研究所研究员。一九七四年,由他创写的法文译本《世说新 语》(Anthologie chinoise des V et VI siecles:Le Che-chouo-sin-yu)问世。这 是我国古典名著《世说新语》的第一个西方译本(以下简称“贝
杨匡汉坚决主张本土化——但不是保守的而是开放的 ,是将他者包容进来 ,在异与变的碰撞中把本土一些相对稳定的、具有历史连续性的观念重新解读 ,以形成当代表述形式并对全球
1文献类型诊断。2证据水平1b。3文献来源The International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Investigators.Survival of patients with stage 1 document type diagnosis
多年前 ,与杜家祁在一家酒楼吃晚饭。饭后 ,在走出酒楼 ,步行去巴士站的途中 ,她提到她写诗 ,总是有些东西要说 ,例如 ,她很想写一首有关除夕的诗 :窗外是万家灯火 ,而她独自