Principles of English Movie Title Translation

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  1. Presenting Useful Information
  Title translation must be honest to the theme and main content of movie with conveying the relevant information. The information and meaning contained in translated title must be equivalent to that in the original movie. For example, Ghost was translated by hinterland into幽灵or鬼魂both of which indicate that it’s a horror movie. Actually, this movie tells a deeply touching and sentimental love story. Liberal translation of the movie title is very confusing and doesn't’t point out the theme, so人鬼情未了, the translation version in Hong Kong, is a much better one with delivering the original meaning of the movie.
  2. Conveying Cultural Connotations
  East and West have different sociologies, historical background, cultural history, values, ethics and religions. Translation is not purely the conversion between two languages. What’s more important, it needs to precisely convey cultural information contained in source language. Seven depicts a crime story filled with philosophical implications against a gloomy background in which a lunatic regards himself as the god and kills people who he feels guilty according to the seven deadly sins of Catholicism. In this movie, seven implies the sins and punishments in one’s fate. Therefore,七宗罪is a great translation pointing out the main plot and philosophical implications of the number “seven”.
  3. Conforming to Aesthetic Trend
  Chinese audience expect the beauty of movie titles to be presented in two aspects, firstly in form, secondly in content. In terms of movie title’s form, westerners worship the simplicity of language, but Chinese people are particular about language’s harmony and symmetry and especially like those four-character phrases, such as, Top Gun(壮志凌云), No Country for Old Man(老无所依), Inception(盗梦空间). For title’s content, Chinese audience prefer the words abundant with cultural connotations and imagination.魂断蓝桥(Waterloo Bridge) can be called a terrific translation example which describes a grief love story. The beauty of魂断蓝桥lies in “蓝桥” which stands for a special place where lovers commit suicide together for their love in Chinese ancient tales.
  4. Maximizing Commercial Interests
  Movie is a commercial product with gaining high box office as its final goal. Translation of movie titles has a direct impact on box office, and merely when translated titles are in line with audience’s appreciation taste and psychological demands, more audience can be appealed to cinema. For example, Gone With the Wind(乱世佳人), centering on heroine's life, depicts the tough life and strong will of southern people before and after the Civil War. My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女) tells the life experience about a girl living in the bottom of the society and arduously struggling. Their English titles can't reflect brilliant stories in these movies, but words like "佳人"、"淑女"add charm to them and bring excellent commercial effect.
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【摘要】:德国教育家第斯多惠曾说“教学的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。”近年来教育教学领域也一直宣扬激励教育,尤其是新课改以来更加注重学生本位,激励教育全面推广,然而这种趋势教育下的个体反而呈现出更加脆弱和堕落的趋势。本文旨在探索激励教育的定义,发现激励教育中存在的问题并就个人的认识提出建议。  【关键词】:激励教育;激励;教育  近几年青少年自杀的报导屡见不鲜,自杀的原因更是出人意
【摘要】:素质教育是我国当前教育方向,在美术课上培养学生创新素养,符合素质教育发展要求。创新是民族的精神以及灵魂,也是社会发展的源泉以及动力。应当高度重视对学生创新素养的培养工作,在美术学科教学中,培养学生的创新思维以及提高学生创造力。本文主要分析了美术学科如何培养创新素养的实效策略。  【关键词】:美术学科;创新素养;策略研究;  作为学校,不但应当加强对学生的技能以及理论知识的培养,而且应当培