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EF植物生长促进剂是中国林科院林化所与广东省雷州林业局共同研制成的一种新产品。它是从桉树叶中提取的以黄酮类为主的化合物。几年来,经十多个研究所和应用单位在农业、园艺和林业上二十多个品种的应用试验,证明EF具有下列特点:1.增强光合作用,增加干物质积累。在白菜类上经三年多应用,植株叶片中叶绿素含量增加42—70%、产量增加8—24%;在黄瓜上应用能促进雌花早现、早育,增产21—50%;在葡萄上经三年的应用,能促进花芽分化提高座果率,糖度 EF plant growth promoter is a new product developed jointly by Forestry Research Institute of Forestry of China and Leizhou Forestry Bureau of Guangdong Province. It is a flavonoid-based compound extracted from eucalyptus leaves. Over the past few years, more than a dozen research institutes and application units in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, more than 20 varieties of application tests have proved that EF has the following characteristics: 1. To enhance photosynthesis and increase dry matter accumulation. After more than three years of application on cabbage, chlorophyll content in plant leaves increased by 42-70% and yield increased by 8-24%. Application on cucumber could promote early emergence and early maturity of female flowers by 21-50% Three years of application, can promote flower bud differentiation to improve fruit rate, sugar content
波尔多液是一种古老的杀菌剂,从1885年密拉台(Millardet)正式报导算起,已有90余年历史。目前仍是一种重要的杀菌剂。 波尔多液能防治农作物病害的种类很多。就柑桔果树而言;
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1979年10月下旬—12月上旬,在福建省开展的杉木专业调查中,首次在尤溪县湆头伐木场人工(实生)林分中发现危害杉木球果的干僵病(Hypoderma Cunninqhamiae Tenq)和球果麦蛾(学
免疫型(第一叶片):常用代表符号“0”。完全无症状,叶色正常。 高抗型(第二叶片):常用代表符号“0;”。叶面上产生大小不一的、不规则状的坏死斑点,不产生夏孢子堆。 抵抗型
通过对棉花黄萎病菌Verticillum dahliae kleb五个菌系的田间致病力测定和室内培养性状及形态观察,结果认为陕西泾阳、山西运城菌系致病力强;山西汾阳、新疆石河子菌系次之;