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《西铁科技》是一份以电气化铁路运营技术、管理、维修、施工内容为主的综合技术期刊。其宗旨是为铁路运输发展服务,为铁路科技发展服务。主要读者对象为从事电气化铁路运营工作的工程技术人员和管理人员。主要栏目有:研究与探讨、调查与实践、事故与安全、译文、简讯等,刊登与电气化铁道运营相关的科技论文、经验总结、科技成果报道,促进技术交流。欢迎从事铁路科技工作的广大工程技术人员、教学人员来稿、赐教。1来稿要求(1)文稿论点明确,数据可靠,具有科学性;(2)文稿不超过5000字为宜,附有作者单位、署名、、关键词;(3)来稿请注明寄稿日期,切勿一稿两投,三个月内未接本刊通知,请自行处理;(4)文稿字迹清楚,使用简化字和法定计量单位,插图和照片清晰规范,易于制版;(5)文稿中引用他人作品,请在参考文献中列出;(6)来稿请附联系人的详细地址、邮政编号和联系电话。2投搞方式(1)手写文稿,以纸件形式寄送本刊编辑部;(2)稿件以Word文档保存,以E-mail形式发往本刊编辑部,并请注明文中插图所用软件;(3)通过寄送软盘方式投稿;(4)未采用稿恕不退还。来稿一经刊登,本刊酌致稿酬,并赠当期杂志两册。3参考文献著录方法(1)书:著者.书名(M].版本,出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码.(2)期刊:文章作者.题(篇)名[J].刊名, “West Rail Science and Technology” is a comprehensive technical journal that focuses on the technical, management, maintenance and construction of electric railway operations. Its purpose is to serve the development of railway transportation and serve the development of railway science and technology. The main target audience is engaged in electrified railway operations engineering and technical personnel and management personnel. Main columns are: research and discussion, investigation and practice, accident and safety, translation, newsletters, published in electrification of railway operations related to scientific papers, lessons learned, reports of scientific and technological achievements, and promote technological exchanges. Welcome to the majority of engineering and technical personnel engaged in railway science and technology work, teaching staff contributions, enlighten me. 1 Contribution Requirements (1) Contributions should be clear, reliable and scientific; (2) Documents should be no more than 5000 words, with the author’s name and key words; (3) Not a draft two vote, three months did not take the notice, please handle; (4) manuscripts clear, the use of simplified and legal units of measurement, illustrations and photos clear specification, easy to plate; Other works, please list in the reference; (6) Please submit the manuscript contact the full address, zip code and telephone number. (2) The manuscript is saved in Word document and sent to editorial office by E-mail. Please indicate the artwork used in the text. ; (3) Submitted by sending floppy disk; (4) will not be returned without draft. Once the manuscript has been published, we will pay our own royalties and give two copies of the current issue. 3 References Bibliography (1) Book: Author. Title (M). Edition, Publication date: Publisher, Year of publication. Start Page number. (2) Journal: Article title. name,
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