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火力发电供热厂是一个耗用燃料较多的企业.要降低发电供热的煤耗,一靠技术,二靠管理.在管理方面要实行燃料经济责任制,对燃料成本进行科学的分析和考核,一方面找出升降的原因,据以采取技术措施;一方面根据责任的归宿和效果,落实奖罚,使广大职工千方百计地省煤节电,提高企业的经济效益.由于火力发电供热厂的机组类型很多,煤种复杂,运行方式更是千变万化,本文只就一般情况作一个初步的探讨,作为推行内部经济责任制的参考.一、燃料成本的分析燃料成本是电力生产成本中的一个可变费用,它随着供电量的增长成比例地增长.我们分析燃料成本,首先要将燃料成本的升降总额计算出来,然 Thermal power plant is a company that consumes more fuel. To reduce the coal consumption for power generation and heating, it depends on technology and management. In terms of management, we must implement a fuel economy responsibility system, scientific analysis and assessment of fuel costs. , On the one hand, to find out the reasons for the rise and fall, according to take technical measures; on the one hand, according to the destination of the responsibility and the effect, the implementation of rewards and penalties, so that the majority of employees to do everything possible to save coal and save electricity, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. Because of thermal power plant There are many types of units, and the types of coal are complex and the operation modes are ever-changing. This article only makes a preliminary discussion on the general situation as a reference for the implementation of the internal economic responsibility system. I. Analysis of fuel costs Fuel cost is one of the electricity production costs. Variable costs, which increase in proportion to the increase in power supply. We analyze the fuel cost, first calculate the total amount of fuel cost increase,
Zeng Pu is a prominent writer in the history of Chinese modern literature.His life of letters went through a genre in transition around the time from late Qing
莱索托是个国中之国,它的国土被非洲大国南非共和国所包围。2003年,莱索托国王耶齐三世与南非的莫聪宁小姐结婚,南非总统姆贝基答应届时亲临现场为新人祝福。可是 Lesotho i
傍晚,我趴在桌上正努力地做着作业,忽然,一个蠢蠢欲动的小东西映入了我的眼帘。我连忙拿起放大镜对着它东瞧瞧、西看看。它是棕红色的,有一点咖啡的味道。那小东西虽 In the
摘要:在语文课堂教学中,笔者通过让学生倾听别人发言、分组协同合作、展示学习成果、进行反馈评价等等学习活动改变了课堂上的沉闷气氛,激活了整个语文课堂,提高了教学效率,同时调动了学生自主学习、主动探索的积极性,促进了学生多种能力的发展和健康人格的形成。  关键词:高效课堂;自主学习  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)11-043-1《高中语文新课程标准》明确
盛夏季节,酷暑难当,同学们为求得一丝凉爽,往往忽视了防病保健。因此,夏日消暑一定要讲科学。一、不宜多贪冷食在炎热的夏季,如果胃肠受到大量冷食的 Summer season, unruly