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在门球比赛中,由于己方教练指挥得当,队员临场正常发挥和表现出色, 或因对方指挥和队员的失误等因素,使己方在场上处于优势地位。在这种情况下,要想让优势一直保持到比赛结束并非易事,如果不善于发挥优势,扩大战果,甚至妄目乐观、掉以轻心,很有可能优势瞬间即逝,将大好的形势付之东流,最终输掉这场球,留下许多惋惜和遗憾。如何保持己方优势地位,确保最后胜利呢?笔者认为应注意的有以下几点。发挥优势,扩大战果。当场上己方已形成优势时,能得分要尽量得分,把双方的比分拉开距离,这样不仅扩大了战 In the goalkeeper game, due to the proper coaching command, the team members normally perform well on the spot and perform well, or because of the other party’s command and team member’s mistakes and other factors, one’s own side is in a dominant position on the court. Under such circumstances, it is no easy task to keep the advantage until the end of the competition. If you are not good at giving play to your advantage, expanding the victory, or even being optimistic about it and taking it lightly, you may well have to take advantage of the excellent situation Flow, eventually losing the ball, leaving a lot of regret and regret. How to maintain one’s dominant position and ensure the final victory? I think we should pay attention to the following points. Give full play to advantages and expand the success of the war. On the spot when one’s own side has formed the advantage, can scored as much as possible to score the distance between the two sides, so that not only expanded the war
英国1.牲畜(1月) 2.魔术团百年纪念(2月) 3.英国风光系列-英格兰西南部(3月) 4.纪念夏洛特·勃朗特逝世150周年(3月) 5.世界文化遗产-与澳大利亚联合发行(4月) UK 1. Lives
为纪念第28届世界遗产大会在苏州召开,江苏昆山市邮政局于2004年6月28日启用“亭林公园”风景日戳1枚,直径30mm,常州刻戳厂刻制。 In commemoration of the 28th World Her
火焰山,维吾尔语称土孜塔格、吐斯塔格,意为“红山”。在新疆吐鲁番盆地中北部。火焰山设原邮政所,使用“火焰山”双文 Flaming Mountain, Uyghur Tu Zi Tage, Tuo Stag, me
这场球当比赛进入第三轮时,③球在二门打成三杆球, 将⑤球留二门前,⑦、⑨球送过二门。自球过二门后,直奔三门,过三门后,利用剩余两杆,打掉⑩球(就近闪出界), 自球留三门后,
去年金堂县“金桔杯”门球赛的一场决赛,双方激战到20分钟时,场上势态如图。比分为9:6,红方领先。此时, 红方指挥着眼于多得一分,给白方制造了一个反击的机会。白方抓住战机,