
来源 :广西农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ys331223
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改革开放以来,我区渔业生产连年增产,发展速度加快。水产品产量自1980年越过10万吨以后,1986年、1990年、1992年和1993年分别突破20万吨、30万吨、40万吨、50万吨大关,每新增加10万吨产所需的时间,由原来的6年、4年、2年缩短到1993年仅用1年的时间。与1979年相比,1993年水产品产量增加4.89倍,人均水产品产量由2.8公斤提高到12.7公斤。 在“以养为主、养捕结合,养殖、捕劳、加工一起抓”的方针指引下,1993年淡海水渔业全面增长。淡水渔业进一步通过内涵挖掘,外延扩大,生产水平进一步提高。全区淡水产品产量21.67万吨,比上年增加 Since the reform and opening up, the fishery production in our region has been increasing year by year, accelerating the pace of development. The output of aquatic products surpassed 100,000 tons in 1980 and exceeded 200,000 tons, 300,000 tons, 400,000 tons and 500,000 tons in 1986, 1990, 1992 and 1993 respectively, with a new increase of 100,000 tons per annum The required time has been reduced from 6 years, 4 years and 2 years to only 1 year in 1993. Compared with 1979, the output of aquatic products increased by 4.89 times in 1993 and the per capita aquatic product output increased from 2.8 to 12.7 kg. Under the guideline of “focusing mainly on raising livestock, combining catching and catching, breeding, catching labor and processing together,” the water and fishery industry in the light of the sea grew in all-round way in 1993. Freshwater fishery further through the connotation of mining, extension of expansion, production levels to further improve. The output of freshwater products in the region was 216,700 tons, an increase over the previous year
总结了1998年取得的成功经验,提出1999年的工作任务。 Summed up the successful experience gained in 1998 and proposed the tasks for 1999.
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为了提高河蟹增养殖生产的效益,采用网箱暂养培育幼蟹的方法,可使河蟹成活率和增养殖生产效益大大提高,现将技术要点总结如下: 一、网箱设置 选择网目为10目的聚乙烯网布制
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素质教育“以提高国民素质为宗旨 ,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点”的基本定位 ,对学科教学的立意提出了新的要求。集中到一点就是要求从学科知识传授转到学科能力培