Investment in power industry anticipated reaching thousand billions yuan in 12~(th) Five-Year Plan p

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On December 21, 2010, the China Electricity Council released the “Study report on 12~(th) Five-Year Plan for power industry” to the media.The report forecasts that the total electricity consumption in China in the 12~(th) Five-Year Plan period will grow by 7.5%-9.5% annually, averaging out at about 8.5%. It will reach 6 270 TWh with the maximum load to be 994-1 090 GW by 2015 and by 2020, and reach 7 850-8 560 TWh with the average annual growth of about 4.6%-6.4% in the 13~(th) Five-Year Plan period. The elastic coefficient of electricity in the 12~(th) Five-Year Plan period and the 13~(th) Five-Year Plan period will be around 0.99 and 0.8, respectively. The power demand will grow more rapidly in west regions than in east regions. On December 21, 2010, the China Electricity Council released the “Study report on 12 th Five-Year Plan for power industry” to the media. The report forecasts that the total electricity consumption in China in the 12 ~ ( It will reach 6 270 TWh with the maximum load to be 994-1 090 GW by 2015 and by 2020, and reach 7 (th) Five-Year Plan period will grow by 7.5% -9.5% annually, averaging out at about 8.5%. 850-8 560 TWh with the average annual growth of about 4.6% -6.4% in the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The elastic coefficient of electricity in the 12th-Five-Year Plan period and the 13th ~ (th) Five-Year Plan period will be around 0.99 and 0.8, respectively. The power demand will grow more rapidly in the west regions than in east regions.
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