Critical Translation of One Clip of Subtitles in the Film of Annie Hall

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  【Abstract】Annie Hall is an old well-known film. And there are many Chinese translation versions of it. In the essay, some wrong Chinese translations in the subtitles and revised versions will be analyzed.
  【Key words】translation; clip; subtitle
  【作者简介】林晓玲(1980.10- ),女,汉族,广东汕尾人,广东省汕尾职业技术学院外语外贸系,讲师,文学硕士,研究方向:英语精读、英语翻译、英语文学等。
  1. Introduction
  Annie Hall is a 1977 film. It is romantic and comedy one which is directed by Woody Allen from a screenplay he co-wrote with Marshall Brickman . In China And there are many Chinese Translation versions of it. But it is a pity that there are many mistakes in some clips .Thus, some revised versions of translations which will be illustrated as follows。
  2. Wrong Translations in the Subtitles(如图1)
  Explanation: In my point of view, the wrong subtitles can’t express the correct meaning of the roles in the film. They go against faithful translation criteria for the translators. Sometimes it will make the audiences misunderstand. As responsible translators, we ought to avoid this kind of situation happens.
  3. Typos:Subtitles wrongly adapted by subtitier(如圖2)
  Explanation: I think the typo mistakes are very serious in this part 01:13-01:53(3), we can see obviously on the screen, the Chinese Subtitles and English Psychological thoughts occur together. I am still wondering why . It seems very strange. When I first watch this part, it makes me feel very confused and puzzled. I can synchronize the subtitles with the speakers. I think the psychological thoughts must be translated in order to achieve best effects. Also, the Chinese subtitles“他们” “可佈” “噜骚” are careless and apparent mistakes of the typos which can be avoided if they check seriously.
  4. Conclusion
  From the above,we can know this Chinese version of the film is far from our satisfaction and needed to be revised.In order to make the translation better understood by the common people ,we couldn’t distort the meaning of it. We should the spare no effort to fulfill the permanent mission—“assist in the spreading of culture throughout the world”, as which is in article 6 of FIT bylaw proclaims.
  [1]Baker, Mona. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[J]. London, New York: Routledge, 1998. Print.
  [2]Delisle Jean, Judith Woodsworth. Translators Through History[M]. B.V. The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995. Print.
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