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城商行股份转热呈现涉及面广、区域性特征明显等特点,剖析其原因,外部存在金融市场竞争激烈、行业利润率相差悬殊等压力,内部存在部分城商行股权结构亟待完善、抗风险能力尚待提升等问题。应从净化地方金融生态环境,强化城商行法人治理结构,提高城商行可持续经营能力等方向破解城商行股权异动难题。近年来,城商行股权转让频繁,涉及多家银行,如广州金控挂牌出让广州银行11.6亿股,中国信达出让西安银行6.3亿股,友阿股份斥资1.28亿元认 The analysis of the reasons why there is a wide range of regional mergers and acquisitions in the city commercial banks and their regional characteristics is an analysis of the reasons. The intense competition in the external financial markets and the disparity in industry profit margins have put pressure on the equity structure of some city commercial banks. The anti-risk capability To be upgraded and other issues. It is necessary to solve the problem of equity shift in city commercial banks in the direction of purifying the local financial eco-environment, strengthening the corporate governance structure of urban commercial banks, and enhancing the sustainable operation ability of urban commercial banks. In recent years, City Commercial Bank shares transfer is frequent, involving a number of banks, such as Guangzhou Gold Holdings listed to sell 1.16 billion shares of Bank of China, China Cinda sold 630 million shares of Xi’an Bank, Friends of A shares spent 128 million yuan to recognize
目的: 探讨心肌肌钙蛋白 I(cTnI)在急性心肌梗塞 (AMI)时的检测意义 ; 方法: 通过比较 102例冠心病患者和 30例对照的 cTnI和心肌酶谱的测定结果 ; 结果: AMI患者的阳性率分
摘要:培养情感、激发兴趣、创设和谐的课堂教学氛围是落实新课标、提高政治学科教学质量的关键,让学生充满快乐地学习、自主探究地学习,营造出一份和谐而愉悦的课堂学习氛围,是政治教师义不容辞的责任。  关键词:以人为本;和谐;快乐;激励;兴趣  中图分类号:G633.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)29-0049  以人为本的现代和谐教学模式,就是要求广大教师尊重学生、理解学生
This study investigates the effects of bank equity connections and intellectual property protection on enterprises’ innovation behavior,and the regulating effe
目的: 提高 B超对隐睾症的诊断率 . 方法: 对 120例 (131个 )经 B超检查并经手术证实的隐睾症进行回顾性分析 . 结果: 131个隐睾 B超共检出 109个 , 符合率为 83 .21% . 结论
摘要:每当和同事们谈到语文教学,都能听到类似的牢骚:学生最怕写作文,最难教的也是到作文;改作文最难、费时多、收效少、没有中心、内容空洞、语病多、不知道怎样改、怎样评。近几年,笔者对作文评改作了一些探索,收效较好。  关键词:作文批改;评语;修改;评分  中图分类号:G633.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)29-0052  叶圣陶先生在《中学国文教师》里说:“学生作文