Kickoff Meeting for A3 Foresight Program held in China

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The kickoff meeting and first workshop for the study of "Composite Photocatalytic Systems for Efficient Water Splitting by Solar Energy" under the A3 Foresight Program was held in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on January 10th, 2011. Professor Zhang Tao, Director of DICP delivered welcome remarks in the opening ceremony. Professor Zhang Yinglan,
[摘 要] 我国社会经济的飞速发展带动了电力行业的不断改革和发展,各种信息技术越来越广泛地应用于电力系统中,因为电力营销计量关系着电力费用的缴纳标准,更影响着电力企业社会形象的美化和塑造,人们更加重视对电力营销计量的智能化改造。旨在对当前我国电力营销计量系统中存在的问题进行简单的分析,并有针对性地提出一些可供参考的可行性改进措施和建议。  [关 键 词] 电力营销;计量改造;存在问题;解决措施  
Applying a three-band model and the random phase approximation,we theoretically study the spin excitations in nickelate superconductors,which have been newly di
In 2011, the Central Government will continue to make a remarkable increase funding for the National Natural Science Fund. The planned amount of funding reaches
On June, 15th, 2011, State Councilor, Madam. Liu Yandong met with Mr. Zare, Chairman of the International Evaluation Committee (IEC) for the funding and managemen