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做好离退休干部思想政治工作是保证改革顺利进行的需要,是保证老干部健康长寿的需要,也是老干部保持革命晚节的需要。洪泽县委、县政府十分重视做好离退休干部的思想政治工作,收到良好的成效。一、洪泽县离退休干部思想政治工作主要做法(一)坚持老有所养,增强老干部创先争优的内生力落实好老干部各项待遇,直接关系到他们的切身利益和思想稳定。为此,洪泽县委、县政府把老干部满意作为第一标准,以实际行动和实在举措,让他们健康养生、雅致养性、安逸 To do a good job in retired cadres’ ideological and political work is to ensure the smooth implementation of the reform, to ensure the health and longevity of veteran cadres, and to maintain the needs of veteran revolutionary parties. Hongze county party committee and government attach great importance to the ideological and political work of retired cadres and receive good results. I. Main Practices of Ideological and Political Work among Retired Cadres in Hongze County A. Maintaining the Old-Owned System and Enhancing the Internal Vigor of Creating Good Competence for Veteran Cadres Implementing the various treatment of veteran cadres is directly related to their vital interests and their ideological and political stability. To this end, Hongze County Committee, the county government to veteran cadres as the first standard of satisfaction, with practical action and real initiatives, let them healthy, elegant and supportive, comfortable
The Qaidam Basin,located in the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,is a large Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin,and bears huge thick Cenozoic strata.The geologi
探讨研究妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症胆汁酸、肝酶指标对围生儿预后及妊娠方式的影响效果。 To study the effect of bile acid and liver enzyme in pregnancy on intrahepatic c