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在世界经济国际化,贸易全球化的今天,中国加入世贸组织意义重大,影响深远。中国需要世贸组织,世贸组织更需要中国已成为不可逆转的历史潮流。在这样深刻的大背景下,港口粮食接运企业(简称港口企业)如何找准目标,准确定位,更快更好地融入世界粮食的大流通中,谋求更为广阔的发展空间,乘势而上,取得新突破,笔者认为,应当对中国入世可能对港口企业造成影响的相关因素进行综合分析,然后才能确定企业发展的战略重点,并体现战略上的个体性、实用性和超前性,从而把握机遇,迎接挑战,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。本文就中国入世给港口企业的机遇、挑战及应当采取的对策发表一些粗浅的看法。 In today’s world economy internationalization and trade globalization, China’s accession to the WTO is of great significance and profound influence. China needs the WTO. WTO also needs China to become an irreversible historical trend. In such a profound background, how the port grain receiving and transporting enterprises (port enterprises for short) identify their targets, accurately locate them and integrate them into the circulation of the world’s grain faster and better, and seek broader space for development. And made new breakthroughs. In my opinion, we should make a comprehensive analysis of the relevant factors that may affect the port enterprises after China’s accession to the WTO, and then we can determine the strategic priorities for the development of the enterprises and reflect the strategic individualism, practicality and advancement so as to grasp Opportunities to meet the challenges so that enterprises in the fierce competition in the market remain invincible. This article gives some superficial opinions on the opportunities, challenges and countermeasures that China should enter WTO to port enterprises.
Jinhua College of Profession and Technology was first founded in 1994 and was granted as one of the key tate-level constructing colleges in 2003.It is a compreh
初步形成“两纵两横”高速公路主骨架,建设和营运体制大胆创新,高速公路建设和管理水平处于国内领先。 The main skeleton of the “two vertical and two horizontal” exp
第一谱:相安无事:1—22 本局是LG杯八强赛上的一局棋。由周鹤洋九段对元晟溱四段。周九段是八强中惟一的中国棋手,赛前大家都对他寄予厚望。 黑1、3、5弈出“中国流”布局。
国标 GB/T 19367—2001《公路收费方式》已于2001年5月颁布,并即将开始实施。在该标准的调研、制定过程中编写组不仅借鉴了国外的成功经验,同时对我国十几年来收费系统技术的