The Information Engineering Institute and the Electromechanical Engineering Institute, Jinhua Colle

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Jinhua College of Profession and Technology was first founded in 1994 and was granted as one of the key tate-level constructing colleges in 2003.It is a comprehensive and full-time higher vocational college, boasting with the subjects of engineering,agriculture,medicine,economics,management,literature, pedagogy and arts.The college consists of 12 subordinate institutes of In for mation Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering,Architectural Engineering,Genetic Engineering,Trade and Economy, Pedagogy,Medicine,Tourism,Arts,Materials and Chemical Engineering,Adult Education,and International Education.Thearea of the college campuscovers more than133 hectares and the planning area is more than 200 hectares.Total 1051 staffs in the college in cludes 36 prof essors,256 associate professors,8 with doctoral degree,morethan 100 with master degree,and more than 200 working for their masterdegree.There are 52 specialties at the college with at ot alcapitalassets of 0.63 billion yuan. Besides,the college hasestablished cooperativerelations for academicex changes with more than 10 famous universities,suchas California Universityin America and Kive Art Collegein Ukraine。The college lays emphasis on the training modal,a combination of producing,learning and researching,to improve itself to be an underg raduate university for bachelor’s degree within a few years. Jinhua College of Profession and Technology was first founded in 1994 and was granted as one of the key tate-level constitute colleges in 2003.It is a comprehensive and full-time higher vocational college, boasting with the subjects of engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, management, literature, pedagogy and arts.The college consists of 12 subordinate institutes of In for mation Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Trade and Economy, Pedagogy, Medicine, Tourism, Arts, Materials and Chemical Engineering, Adult Education, and International Education.Thearea of ​​the college campuscovers more than133 hectares and the planning area is more than 200 hectares. Total 1051 staffs in the college in cludes 36 prof essors, 256 associate professors, 8 with doctoral degree, morethan 100 with master degree , and more than 200 working for their masterdegree.There are 52 specialties at the college with at ot alcapitalassets of 0.63 billion yuan. Besides, the college hasestablished cooperativerelations for academicex changes with more than 10 famous universities, suchas California Universityin America and Kive Art Collegein Ukraine. The college lays emphasis on the training modal, a combination of producing, learning and researching, to improve itself to be an undergraduate university for bachelor’s degree within a few years.
时间过得太快了,眨眼间已经到了年终岁尾,新的一年即将来临。 还没有细细品味2002年的收获,2003年的工作就已经开始。 在没有进入本文的正题之前,我代表编辑部的所有人员向
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