向亲手淘米说再见 “淘米佣”掀起不沾水淘米风暴

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“淘米佣”热销全国六大优势征服市场谁家不用煮饭?谁家不用淘米?而用手淘米一直是人们惯用的方式,但在寒冷的季节、或刚刚做完手部护理时,实在不想将手泡进水里淘米,这个时候,淘米不再湿手的“淘米佣”就能大显身手——不论是大米还是小米,黄豆或是绿豆,只要倒进“淘米佣”里,将注水口对准水龙头,容器的独特结构可令注入的水迅速形成对流,15~25秒即可将米淘洗得干干净净,而在整个淘米的过程中双手完全不需沾水。另外,在“淘米佣”注水口处有一层不锈钢滤网,能有效地过滤掉水中的杂质,使用“淘米佣”水更卫生更健康。不仅如此,“淘米佣”还有煮饭时米量与水量搭配的建议刻度, “”Taomi Mai “ selling the country’s six major advantages to conquer the market who do not have to cook? Who do not have to wash the rice? Hand wash rice has been the way people used to, but in the cold season, or just finished Department of nursing, it really does not want to soak your hands into the water to wash rice, this time, Taomi no longer wet hands ”Taomi Mai “ will be able to show their talents - whether it is rice or millet, soybean or mung bean, as long as down Into the ”Taomi Mai", the water injection point at the tap, the unique structure of the container can make the injected water quickly form convection, 15 to 25 seconds to wash the rice clean, and in the entire Taomi In the process, both hands do not need water. In addition, there is a layer of stainless steel filter at the “Taomi Mai” injection port, which can effectively filter out the impurities in the water, and use “Taomi Mai” to make the water healthier and healthier. Not only that, but also “Taomi Mai Mai” has the recommended scale for the amount of rice and water used when cooking rice.
阅读理解可称为Reading Comprehension或Multiple Choice Questions(多重答案选择),它是目前国外流行的一种命题形式。这种命题是让学生阅读(或听读)原文后,在所给的多种答
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介词at和to都可以表示方向:用at表示方向时,侧重于攻击的目标,往往表示恶意;用to表示方向时,突出运动的位置或动作的对象,侧重表示善意.试比较下列各句: 1.A.She came at me