,Investigation for the transcultural self-efficacy of nurses in Guizhou,China

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongnan1999
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Aim:As conflict caused by cultural diversity among patients in China continues to rise,hospitals are in urgent need for improvement of transcultural efficacy among nurses.This study aims to evaluate the transcultural self-efficacy of nurses working in the tertiary general hospital in Guizhou Province,an ethnic minority region in west China,and to identify whether nurses’ demographic characteristics affect their transcultural self-efficacy.Method:We used the Chinese version of the Transcultural Self-Efficacy Tool (TSET-CV) to survey 1,190 inservice nurses.Results:Results showed that the level of transcultural self-efficacy of the nurses was generally moderate;few of the nurses had high or low transcultural self-efficacy.The nurses’ transcultural self-efficacy was affected by demographic variables,including age,marital status,employment type,income,work experience,and whether or not they were head nurses.Having a stable work environment,a stable marriage,a good educational background,and a high-ranked professional title were associated with increased transcultural self-efficacy.Conclusion:Nursing administrators in hospitals should offer continuing education on transcuitural nursing according to nurses’ demographic characteristics and the SEST scores.
利用环境一号小卫星的CCD数据及同步地面观测数据,进行了烟台四十里湾海域透明度的遥感反演研究。结果表明,红蓝波段比值与实测透明度具有较高的相关性,并以此为基础建立了该区域水体透明度的遥感反演模型,反演值与实测值的平均相对误差为8.6%,均方根误差为0.1 m。据此模型绘制了四十里湾水体透明度分布图。研究发现,透明度具有近岸低、远岸高的特点,且从近岸向外海基本呈逐渐递减的趋势。
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Objective: Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this
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Objective: This study provides a preliminary evaluation of the usability and acceptability of a mobile application (sexual assault care algorithm,SACA).Methods: