依靠科技兴农 加速成果开发──湖南省农科院新成果(新品系、新技术)简介

来源 :湖南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feng861013
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为了贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加强农业,支援农业,发展农业和依靠科技进步振兴农业,加强农业科技成果推广工作的精神,现从我院新近取得的科技成果(新品系、新技术)中筛选出一批实用性强,容易推广、收效快、增产显著、效益高的项目供各地选择引进开发应用。这些项目大多通过技 In order to implement the spirit of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening agriculture, supporting agriculture, developing agriculture and revitalizing agriculture by relying on scientific and technological progress and strengthening the popularization of agricultural science and technology achievements, we now screen the newly obtained scientific and technological achievements (new lines and new technologies) in our hospital Out of a number of practical, easy to promote, quick, significant yield increase, high efficiency projects for the selection of the introduction of the development and application. Most of these projects are technical
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