Poorly expandable common bile duct with stones on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woxuejavalala
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AIM:To describe characteristics of a poorly expandable(PE) common bile duct(CBD) with stones on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography.METHODS:A PE bile duct was characterized by a rigid and relatively narrowed distal CBD with retrograde dilatation of the non-PE segment.Between 2003 and 2006,endoscopic retrograde cholangiography(ERC) images and chart reviews of 1213 patients with newly diagnosed CBD stones were obtained from the computer database of Therapeutic Endoscopic Center in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.Patients with characteristic PE bile duct on ERC were identified from the database.Data of the patients as well as the safety and technical success of therapeutic ERC were collected and analyzed retrospectively.RESULTS:A total of 30 patients with CBD stones and characteristic PE segments were enrolled in this study.The median patient age was 45 years(range,20 to 92 years);66.7% of the patients were men.The diameters of the widest non-PE CBD segment,the PE segment,and the largest stone were 14.3 ± 4.9 mm,5.8 ± 1.6 mm,and 11.2 ± 4.7 mm,respectively.The length of the PE segment was 39.7 ± 15.4 mm(range,12.3 mm to 70.9 mm).To remove the CBD stone(s) completely,mechanical lithotripsy was required in 25(83.3%) patients even though the stone size was not as large as were the difficult stones that have been described in the literature.The stone size and stone/PE segment diameter ratio were associated with the need for lithotripsy.Post-ERC complications occurred in 4 cases:pancreatitis in 1,cholangitis in 2,and an impacted Dormia basket with cholangitis in 1.Two(6.7%) of the 28 patients developed recurrent CBD stones at follow-up(50 ± 14 mo) and were successfully managed with therapeutic ERC.CONCLUSION:Patients with a PE duct frequently require mechanical lithotripsy for stones extraction.To retrieve stones successfully and avoid complications,these patients should be identified during ERC. AIM: To describe characteristics of a poorly expandable (PE) common bile duct (CBD) with stones on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. METHODS: A PE bile duct was characterized by a rigid and relatively narrowed distal CBD with retrograde dilatation of the non-PE segment .Between 2003 and 2006, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) images and chart reviews of 1213 patients with newly diagnosed CBD stones were obtained from the computer database of Therapeutic Endoscopic Center in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Patients with characteristic PE bile duct on ERC identified from the database. Data of the patients as well as the safety and technical success of therapeutic ERCs were collected and analyzed retrospectively .RESULTS: A total of 30 patients with CBD stones and characteristic PE segments were enrolled in this study. median patients age was 45 years (range, 20 to 92 years); 66.7% of the patients were men. Diameters of the widest non-PE CBD segment, the PE segment, and the largest s tone were 14.3 ± 4.9 mm, 5.8 ± 1.6 mm, and 11.2 ± 4.7 mm respectively. The length of the PE segment was 39.7 ± 15.4 mm (range, 12.3 mm to 70.9 mm). To remove the CBD stone , mechanical lithotripsy was required in 25 (83.3%) patients even though the stone size was not as large as the the difficult stones that have been described in the literature.The stone size and stone / PE segment diameter ratio were associated with the need for lithotripsy.Post-ERC & lt; / RTI & gt; complications occurred in 4 cases: pancreatitis in 1, cholangitis in 2, and an impacted Dormia basket with cholangitis in 1. Two (6.7%) of the 28 patients developed recurrent CBD stones at follow- mo) and were successfully managed with therapeutic ERC.CONCLUSION: Patients with a PE duct frequently require mechanical lithotripsy for stones extraction. To retrieve stones successfully and avoid complications, these patients should be identified during ERC.
目的 :探讨综合医院护士的生活质量及心理健康水平。 方法 :对 168名综合医院护士进行生活质量综合评定问卷 (GQOLI—74)、焦虑自评量表 (SAS)、抑郁自评量表 (SDS)评定 ,并
【内容摘要】本文作者就新课改下的初中数学课堂作业讲评活动进行论述,指出,课堂作业讲评应做到知识巩固强化、学习技能锤炼、主体学习成效等“三个到位”。  【关键词】初中数学 课堂作业 讲评  课堂作业是课堂教学活动体系的构成要素,是教师教学理念、教学目标、教学要求呈现的有效载体,是学生巩固数学知识,锻炼解题技能,培养学习素养的有效平台。课堂作业讲评,作为课堂作业教学的后续环节,重要部分,起着对教与学活
2012年9月,军训结束,按学校要求,每班按比例选出军训优秀学员。  小组讨论过后,由学生提名优秀学员名单,并陈述理由。23名学生的名字被写在了黑板上,从中将有11人当选。我举办了一个特殊的投票仪式,班上每名学生将自己的选票写成一句话,如“詹天成,你真棒!”“姚成汉,谢谢你!”“黄丁园,我看好你!”“杨剑,军姿站得标准,向你学习!”然后,被提名学生一一起立,同学们把选票亲自送到他(她)手中。  这
我以为,虽然有很多成功的案例证明一切按照班主任的意图去发展是多么美好,但这是为成事,而非立人。  班级工作尤其是推优工作,班主任都不能干预,否则,无以立人。  着眼于立人,就要把人的感受、人的思考、人的未来,考虑在成事的过程中。试想,学生按照老师的意图去推选优秀,可能学生学会的只是看班主任的脸色行事。  在我班,我明确告诉学生,我非权威,也会犯错,所以班级是每个同学的,人人平等,多数原则是唯一的评
本文就对话教学理论对高中语文课堂教学的引领做简要的分析和探讨,希望对提高高中语文课堂教学效率有一定的帮助。   一、对话教学理论在高中语文课堂教学的应用中存在的问题   (一)不注重课堂情景的设置   到目前为止,许多高中语文教师都已经认识到了对话教学理论的重要性,但是,他们却不能将对话教学理论的作用完全发挥出来,从而严重地影响了教学质量的提高。例如,许多教师在课堂上只是一味地给学生灌输自己的知识