
来源 :广西城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaobaobao127
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会展,直白地、顾名思义地可以这样去理解,即将某种东西会集在一起进行展览。会展是工业资本的产物,因为只有在工业资本物质生产和物品/信息交流的巨量需求下,才会有会展的必要,同时也才能支撑得起会展的大规模、高耗费的运营模式。对会展史稍有所知的读者或都知道,真正意义上的会展的产生,始于19世纪末20世纪初的英法两国的“万国博览会”。彼时的西方世界正值工业资本大爆发的时代。一百多年后的今天,早在北京奥运和上海世博获得巨大成功前,会展已悄然进入中国继而迅猛渗入全国各地的大中小城市,“会展热”瞬间火起。对比于早前的西方,历史 Exhibition, straightforward, as the name suggests can be understood that something will be gathered together for the exhibition. Exhibitions are the product of industrial capital, because only in the huge demand for the production of industrial capital goods and the exchange of goods / information will there be a necessity for exhibitions and at the same time, a large-scale and highly-costly operation mode of exhibition and exhibition can be supported. Readers with a little history of exhibition history either know that real exhibitions start from the “Nations Exposition” of Britain and France in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The era of the Western world coincided with the era of industrial capital outbreaks. Today, more than a hundred years later, long before Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo achieved great success, the exhibition has quietly entered China and then infiltrated into the cities of all over China rapidly. Compared to earlier Western history