Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome: A diagnostic puzzle for the clinician

来源 :World Journal of Respirology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzy6259404
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Although asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) are distinct airway diseases characterized by chronic inflammation, in some cases distinguishing between them is puzzling. For example, chronic smoking leads asthmatic inflammation to a differentiated pattern resembling the COPD inflammation, and in some cases to fixed obstruction as in COPD, and on the other hand, few COPD patients may present with airway reversibility. ACOS is the condition sharing features encountered both in asthma and COPD. Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome(ACOS) represents a diagnostic challenge in the clinical practice, since there is lack of specific indicators to distinguish it from asthma or COPD, and moreover, genetic risk factors, underlying pathology and molecular pathways, clinical characteristics, therapeutic interventions, response to treatment and prognosis are poorly described. The management of ACOS is recommended to be individualized and should target on the maximum effectiveness with the least side effects. Combination therapy with ICS/LABA or LAMA, or newly developed specific anti-eosinophil therapies and treatments specifically targeting neutrophils might be of relevance in the management of ACOS, but studies are needed in order to assess the response and prognosis. Based on the current knowledge about ACOS thus far, it would be recommended that we approached chronic obstructive airway disease rather by describing than by classifying the disease; this would allow us to have a picture that better describes the disease and to implement an individualized therapeutic approach, according to the custom phenotype. Nevertheless, more studies are needed in order to clarify several important issues with regard to ACOS, such as the genetic risk factors for developing ACOS, the links between genotype and phenotype, the molecular pathways and underlying mechanisms of ACOS, the identification of possible specific biomarkers for diagnosis and targeted treatment, the optimal therapeutic interventions, and finally, the prognosis of ACOS. Although asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are distinct airway diseases characterized by chronic inflammation, in some cases distinguishing between them is puzzling. For example, chronic smoking leads asthmatic inflammation to a differentiated pattern resembling the COPD inflammation, and in some cases to fixed obstruction as in COPD, and on the other hand, few COPD patients may present with airway reversibility. ACOS is the condition sharing features encountered both in asthma and COPD. Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) represents a diagnostic challenge in the clinical practice , since there is lack of specific indicators to distinguish it from asthma or COPD, and moreover, genetic risk factors, underlying pathology and molecular pathways, clinical characteristics, therapeutic interventions, response to treatment and prognosis are poorly described. The management of ACOS is recommended to be individualized and should target on the maximum effectiveness with the le ast side effects. Combination therapy with ICS / LABA or LAMA, or newly developed specific anti-eosinophil therapies and treatments specifically targeting neutrophils might be of relevance in the management of ACOS, but studies are needed in order to assess the response and prognosis. Based on the current knowledge about ACOS thus far, it would be recommended that we approached chronic obstructive airway disease rather than by describing than by classifying the disease; this would allow us to have a picture that better describes the disease and to implement an individualized therapeutic approach, According to the custom phenotype. Nevertheless, more studies are needed in order to clarify several important issues with regard to ACOS, such as the genetic risk factors for developing ACOS, the links between genotype and phenotype, the molecular pathways and underlying mechanisms of ACOS, the identification of possible specific biomarkers for diagnosis and targeted treatment, the optimal therapeutic interventions, and finally, the prognosis of ACOS.
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