
来源 :应用昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxakk3321
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【目的】明确吸虫塔对作物蚜虫防控的指导意义,明确中国黑龙江省哈尔滨地区有翅蚜(和大豆蚜)的种群动态,为大豆蚜虫防控提供预警信息。【方法】2009至2012年通过吸虫塔监测哈尔滨地区有翅蚜及有翅大豆蚜动态结合当年田间大豆蚜动态调查。【结果】哈尔滨吸虫塔全年收集有翅蚜量为0.6~1.7万头不等。具1~3个高峰(不同年份有翅蚜发生高峰数量不同),高峰期时间1个月左右,位于7月中旬至10月中旬之间。周有翅蚜量达200头时预示着有翅蚜高峰期的到来,高峰期有翅蚜量可占年有翅蚜量的90%以上。同一地区不同年份有翅蚜高峰期时间不同。吸虫塔有翅大豆蚜亦具1~3个高峰期,时间位于当年有翅蚜的高峰期时间内,为短短的1周或几周,高峰期蚜量占全年采集有翅大豆蚜量的80%~95%。田间大豆蚜只存在一个高峰,2009、2010、2012年田间大豆蚜高峰期均与吸虫塔收集的大豆蚜高峰期相重叠,且峰值日期一致。【结论】吸虫塔可以很好地反应当年田间大豆蚜的种群动态,表现在高峰期及高峰点的预测,可为大豆蚜的预测预报提供预警信息。 【Objective】 The objective of this study is to clarify the guiding role of trematodes in the control of crop aphids, to determine the population dynamics of winged aphids (and soybean aphids) in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China, and to provide early warning information for the control of soybean aphids. 【Method】 From 2009 to 2012, the dynamics of the winged aphids and the winged soybean aphids in the Harbin area were monitored by the gridworm tower. 【Result】 The results showed that there were 0.6 ~ 17.00 aphids in Harbin Trilobite. With 1 to 3 peaks (different years have a peak occurrence of aphids different numbers), the peak time of about 1 month, located in mid-July to mid-October. A week when there is a winged aphid, it indicates the arrival of the peak winged aphid. At the peak, the amount of winged aphid may account for more than 90% of the annual winged aphid. Different times in the same area, there are different times of peak period of winged aphids. Trematodes tower winged soybean aphid also has 1 to 3 peaks, the time is located in the peak of the period of the winged aphid for a short period of 1 week or weeks, peak aphids accounted for the annual collection of winged aphids amount Of 80% ~ 95%. There was only one peak in field soybean aphid, and in 2009, 2010 and 2012, all the peak soybean aphids in field were overlapped with the peak of soybean aphid collected by the worm trap, and the peak dates were the same. 【Conclusion】 Pleurotus ostreatus can well reflect the population dynamics of soybean aphid in the field at that time, which can be predicted at the peak and peak, which can provide early warning information for the forecast of soybean aphid.
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