
来源 :天津市政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dumala
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一、凡屬火藥、製燐、礦油煉製及其他使用爆炸品或强度易燃品作原料的工廠、作坊及儲存危險品的倉库市區内一概不准新設。二、前開各工廠,設於居民稠密地區者,應迅即提出遷廠計劃,限明遷移,其環境空曠,遷移困難並危險性較小者,經各該區公安分局報經公安局轉報“天津市危險品工厂倉库管理委員會”(設本市財經委員 1. No new factories, workshops and warehouses for the storage of dangerous goods, such as gunpowder, cooking polish, mineral oil refining and other products that use explosives or flammable materials as raw materials, are newly allowed in urban areas. Second, before opening the factories, located in densely populated areas, should be promptly proposed relocation plan to limit the migration, the open environment, migration and less dangerous, the district public security bureau reported by the Public Security Bureau “Tianjin Dangerous Goods Factory Warehouse Management Committee” (the city’s financial commissioner
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