
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yushion
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Human cognition plays a crucial role in our daily life.It en-ables us to perceive a constant influx of inputs,to memorize the scenarios,and to reason or decide their outcomes (Tha-gard,2005).Abnormal cognitive function,which is usually involved in neurolo
Andreev reflection (AR) [1] refers to a peculiar quasiparticle reflection process that takes place at the interface between a nor-mal metal and a superconductor.Specifically,an electron impinging from the normal metal is reflected back as a hole,which eff
Cu~(2+)作为人体内含量最多的微量元素之一,在人正常的生理活动和新陈代谢中发挥着重要作用,而体内过量的Cu~(2+)则被发现与唐氏综合症、阿尔兹海默症等严重疾病密切相关. S~(2-)作为人体内广泛存在的阴离子,参与调控细胞内的氧化还原平衡、细胞凋亡、胰岛素分泌等各种生理过程,它的过度积累可能是阿尔兹海默症、帕金森的关键诱因.本文构建了一个Dansyl修饰的六肽荧光探针P (Dansyl-As
The tagging of genomic loci in living cells provides visual evidence for the study of genomic spatial organization and gene interaction.CRISPR/dCas9(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/deactivated Cas9)labeling system labels genes th
Fault-tolerant quantum computing requires high-fidelity gates so that errors can be corrected.So far,various schemes have been proposed to increase gate fidelities,including nonadiabatic holonomic gates [1-4] and topological dynamical decoupling [5].Nonad
This work provides a comprehensive review of the development and applications of bridge rotation construction methods(BRMs) and related critical construction technologies in China.A brief history of BRMs and an outline of their categories,including the ro
In order to exchange the academic achievements on the impact dynamics in recent years,we are organizing the special issue on the Impact Dynamics of Structures/Materials.We have gladly collected five high-quality papers in this area,including“Atomic-level