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随着信息化进程的深入,对信息网络安全也提出了更高的要求。具有综合性能的网络安全产品可能是未来发展的一个方向,但功能多是否也意味着没有特点和增加了潜在的不稳定因素呢?不同的产品应用在不同的实际应用环境中会产生不同的效果,综合性的安全产品是否会取得成功还得靠市场来检验。 联想最近推出了新一代网御2000防火墙,是一个“具有综合安全性能的防火墙产品”,看看它都为我们带来了什么…… With the deepening of the information process, the information network security also put forward higher requirements. With the overall performance of the network security products may be one direction of future development, but the function also means that there are many features and potential instability? Different product applications in different practical applications will have different effects Whether a comprehensive security product will succeed depends on the market. Lenovo recently launched a new generation of network Royal 2000 firewall, is a “comprehensive security performance of the firewall products” to see what it has brought us ...
On November 20, the People’s Government of Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia, the People’s Government of Huolinguole City and Shandong-based Innovation Group si
A fact that cannot be neglected is that with copper concentrate self-sufficiency rate of 20%~25%, China-made copper concentrate is far from satisfying the domest
一、资料与方法 调查方式采用问卷调查和家长座谈会相结合。 1.问卷调查:抽取省、市重点中学和普通中学各1所,对3所中学的初一、初二、初三、高一4个年级组的9个班,共发问卷
要建筑序天大厦必须有牢固的地基,要构造健壮的防火墙自然需要一个安全稳定的操作系统。 开发自主操作系统的却是国内计算机软件发展战略制定者所应该考虑的一件大事;诚然,开发
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has evaluated the situation 3 years after implementation of Nonferrous Metals Industry Restructuri
自1992年10月至1995年10月,我们采用促肝细胞生长素、抗乙肝免疫核糖核酸,配合中药治疗慢性乙型肝炎68例,现报道如下。 1 一般资料 本文108例慢性乙型肝炎患者均符合1990年(