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1998年6—8月,山东省科委进行了一次县级科委工作的调研,抽查6个市地的19个县(市)区,提出了数万字的调研报告。从调研的情况分析,县科委近几年开展工作的基本经验主要有以下几点: (一)提高县领导的科技意识,促进科技工作由部门行为上升为党委政府行为。县科委认识到现代科技已渗透到各个行业和领域,县科技工作已不再是县科委一家之事,而是一种全社会和各级政府共同的责任,因此应大力提高全社会科技意识特别是县领导者的科技意识,县科委在这方面着重抓了三点:一是优化政策环境,主动提出和制订符合当地实际的具体科技政策,并纳入人大和政府重点工作轨道。对科技兴县、科技投入、科技管理等,研究提出和制定了许多具有配套性、可操作性的政策规定,做到科委代表全县依法行科技、照章办事,实现管理 From June to August 1998, the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Commission conducted a survey on the work of county science and technology committees, spot-checking 19 counties (cities) in 6 cities and cities and submitting tens of thousands of words of research reports. From the investigation and analysis of the situation, the county committee of science and technology in recent years to carry out the work of the basic experience the following points: (A) to raise county leadership awareness of science and technology, promote scientific and technological work by the departmental behavior rose to the party committee and government behavior. County Science and Technology Commission recognized that modern science and technology have infiltrated into various industries and fields, county science and technology work is no longer a matter of the county science and technology commission, but a whole society and all levels of government share the responsibility, it should vigorously raise the whole society of science and technology Awareness, especially the county leaders in science and technology awareness, the county science and technology commission in this area focused on three points: First, optimize the policy environment, take the initiative to propose and formulate specific science and technology policies in line with local reality, and into the NPC and the government focus on the track. Science and technology Xingxian, science and technology investment, science and technology management, research and proposed a number of supporting and operational policies and regulations, so that the Science and Technology Commission on behalf of the county according to law science and technology, according to the rules and regulations, to achieve management
一、中国外商投资现状与发展特点 自1978年中国实行对外开放政策以来,目前中国在利用外资方面已取得了丰硕的成果。截止到1999年底,中国共签订利用外资协议项目342745个,合
先看一道高考题及其解答,规定:函数h(x)= f(x)·g(x),若g(x)=f(x+α),其中α是常数,且α∈ [0,π],请设计一个定义域为R的函数y=f(x),及一个α的值,使得h(x)=cos4x,并予以证
地雷一般是对付地面目标的。然而,随着陆军航空兵的出现和武装直升机投入地面作战,地雷的应用范围便从地面扩大到了空中。于是,一种能够自行机动的飞行地雷,已成为武器库中的“新兵”。  自行机动的飞行地雷是在反坦克机动地雷的基础上发展起来的。它有一套能够识别直升机声音的声响传感系统和能自动跟踪的光电传感系统,雷体上装有小型火箭发动机。当飞机将这种地雷空投到预定的作战地域后,地雷的探测传感器便开始工作。一旦
广州市科协组织有关学会秘书长对南京、杭州、苏州等城市的学会工作进行考察、学习,情况报告如下: Association of Guangzhou Association for Science and Technology Ass