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【按】2002年4月,广西师范大学基础教育课程研究中心组织了一个(由15位校内各学科专业人员组成的)基础教育课程改革国家级实验区学习考察团,对在广西区内的柳州、玉林和南宁3个国家级课改实验区,进行了为期一周的考察访问。考察归来,考察团成员无法抑制与他人分享这次学习考察所见所闻及所思的冲动,于是有了下面的《一堂估算课》这篇真实的故事。故事虽然有些长,还是请你仔细阅读,并认真思考以下几个问题:●课堂上老师怎样做,才能给学生提供一个安全的心理环境,促进学生思维和情感的健康发展?●课堂上学生说错了,老师该怎么办?学生说对了,老师又该怎么办?老师怎样反应、怎样表扬和纠错,才比较恰当,才能真正起到鼓励性教育的作用?●课堂上老师怎样做,才能不失时机、恰到好处地渗透情感、态度和价值观的教育?我们相信,你会对新课程所倡导的课程理念有一个新的认识或更深的理解。这样的故事本刊还将陆续刊发,因此很希望能听到来自各方面的反馈意见。案例选登——— 【按】 In April 2002, Guangxi Normal University Basic Education Curriculum Research Center organized a study group consisting of 15 professionals from all disciplines of the basic education curriculum to reform the national experimental area. , Yulin and Nanning three state-level curriculum experimental zone, conducted a one-week study tour. After the investigation returns, the members of the delegation can not refrain from sharing with others the impulse learned and thought-provoking in the study tour, so the following true story of “an estimation lesson” is given. Although the story is somewhat long, please read it carefully and seriously consider the following questions: ● What should teachers in the classroom do to provide a safe psychological environment for students to promote the healthy development of their thinking and emotions? ● Students in the classroom Wrong, how to do the teacher? The students are right, the teacher how to do? Teacher how to respond, how to praise and error correction, only more appropriate, can really play the role of encouraging education? ● classroom teacher how to do, Can we just seize the opportunity to properly penetrate the education of emotions, attitudes and values? We believe you will have a new understanding or deeper understanding of the curriculum concepts advocated by the new curriculum. This story will be published in succession, so I hope to hear from all aspects of feedback. Case election board ---
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