教师个人成长纵深发展 队伍整体提升横向联通——以衡水科技工程学校为例

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一、引言2011年4月,衡水市委、市政府整合职教资源,由八所市直中职学校整合而成的一所高标准、现代化的国家级重点中等职业学校—衡水科技工程学校以全新面貌亮相。面对来自8所中职学校的600多名教职员工,学校将教师队伍建设作为提升学校内涵的重要部分,全力打造了一批与时俱进,师德师风高尚,集知识型、技能型、研究型于一体的师资队伍。二、树师德师风,促合和至高建校之初,在人、财、物、专业、机构等整 I. INTRODUCTION In April 2011, Hengshui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government integrated vocational education resources, a high standard and modern state-level key secondary vocational school that was integrated by eight directly-to-secondary vocational schools - a new look at Hengshui Science and Technology Engineering School Appearance In the face of more than 600 staff members from eight vocational schools, the school regards the construction of teachers as an important part of enhancing the school’s connotation. It has devoted itself to building a group of teachers who are advancing with the times, featuring high ethics, knowledge-based skills , Research in one of the faculty. Second, tree division morality, to promote cooperation and the highest school, people, money, material, professional, institutions and other whole
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