
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinosteelpower
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自去年下半年以来,由于国家对基建规模进行了宏观调控,全国经济形势发生了较大的变化,依靠建筑市场蓬勃兴起的冶金企业失去了强烈的市场拉动,大量的不带材质钢材由于销售无门而不得不堆积在企业内部,成为诸多厂长终日望品兴叹的焦点。加之国家对银根的紧缩迟迟没有松动,受制于国家产业政策的小冶金企业长期得不到国家贷款,致使处于发展雏形的乡镇企业“舟搁浅滩”。企业经营进入步履维艰的发展阶段。大部分企业陷入停产和开工不足的困境。据统计,全县237家轧钢厂只有50多家能够保持正常生产,仅占20%。上半年仅冶金企业就使全县乡镇企业减利1.6亿元。面对国家突如其来的调控政策,许多企业麻了手脚,先是受骤热后的“速冷”影响,企业消极畏难情绪持续了一段时间,认为国家政策的出台就是为把与大企业争资金、争能源、争原料的乡镇冶金企业挤出市场,是大发展后的大限制,许多人对此束手无 Since the second half of last year, due to the country’s macro-control over the scale of infrastructure, the country’s economic situation has undergone major changes. Metallurgical enterprises that rely on the booming construction market have lost a strong market pull, and a large number of non-material steel products have been sold without The door had to be piled up inside the company and it became the focus of many plant managers’ desires. In addition, the tightening of monetary tightening in the country has not been relaxed, and small metallurgy enterprises subject to the national industrial policy have not been granted state loans for a long time, resulting in township and township enterprises in the shape of development “Zhouying Shoal”. Business operations have entered a difficult stage of development. Most companies fall into the predicament of suspension of production and underemployment. According to statistics, only 50 of the 237 rolling mills in the county can maintain normal production, accounting for only 20%. In the first half of the year, only the metallurgical enterprises made the county township and village enterprises reduce profits by 160 million yuan. In the face of the country’s sudden adjustment and control policies, many companies are paralyzed. First, they are affected by the sudden “rapid cooling”. The company’s negative emotions persist for a period of time. It is believed that the introduction of the national policy is to compete for funds with large companies. The mass market metallurgical enterprises competing for energy and competing for raw materials have been squeezed out of the market. This is a major limitation after the big development.
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