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目的总结1985~2009年甘肃平凉市改水降氟防治地氟病监测结果,评价改水措施预防儿童氟斑牙效果,总结改水经验。方法每年2次监测改水点水氟动态,8~12岁儿童尿氟含量和氟斑牙检出率。结果改水后水氟稳定在0.8~1.2 mg/L;儿童尿氟均值由11.54 mg/L逐年下降为1.7 mg/L;儿童氟斑牙检出率由100%降为23.3%,至2003年达到控制病区标准。第二轮改水监测从2004~2009年,改后水氟浓度稳定在0.07 mg/L以下;儿童尿氟含量稳定在0.98 mg/L以下,氟斑牙检出率由60.08%呈逐年下降趋势。结论改水降氟可有效控制人体氟摄入危害,预防儿童氟斑牙取得了显著的预防效果和社会效益。对改水工程质量和管理作简要对比分析,饮水型地氟病区改饮低氟水是唯一有效措施,而改水水源稳定低氟,改水工程质量和改后工程的规范化、技术化、科学化管理是确保改水措施长期运转,有效发挥社会效益的关键。联乡联村集中式改水既节约经费,又便于管理,值得推广。 Objective To summarize the monitoring results of fluorosis prevention and cure in Pingliang City, Gansu from 1985 to 2009, and to evaluate the effect of water diversion measures on prevention of dental fluorosis in children. Methods The dynamic changes of fluoride level in water points and the detection rate of urinary fluoride and dental fluorosis in children aged 8 ~ 12 years were monitored twice a year. Results After the water was changed, the fluoride content of water was stable at 0.8-1.2 mg / L. The urinary fluoride mean of children dropped from 11.54 mg / L to 1.7 mg / L year by year. The detection rate of dental fluorosis in children dropped from 100% to 23.3% To control the ward standard. The second round of water diversion monitoring from 2004 to 2009, the water fluoride concentration after the reform stable at 0.07 mg / L or less; Children’s fluoride content remained stable below 0.98 mg / L, the detection rate of dental fluorosis decreased year by year from 60.08% . Conclusions The water-reducing and fluoride-lowering treatment can effectively control the harm of fluoride intake in human body and prevent the prevention of dental fluorosis in children with remarkable prevention and social benefits. A brief comparison and analysis of the quality and management of water diversion project is made. It is the only effective measure to change low-fluorine water to drinking water in areas with fluoride-contaminated area, and the quality of the water diversion project is stable and low-fluorine. The quality of the water diversion project and the standardization, Scientific management is the key to ensuring the long-term operation of the water diversion measures and effectively bringing into play social benefits. Coupling Township Village centralized water saving both save money, but also easy to manage, it is worth promoting.
摘要:兴趣是学好英语的前提,它能唤起学生的好奇心和迫切的求知欲。本文主要分析了培养学习兴趣的方法,并对兴趣优化课堂教学,提高教学效益进行了探讨。  关键词:兴趣;优化;课堂教学  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)19-045-1  兴趣是最好的教师。有了兴趣,学生才会乐于学,主动的学;有了兴趣,学生才会积极思考,全身心地投入到课堂实践中。课程改革的今天
目的 了解依那普利联合长效心痛定治疗老年高血压的效果。方法 用依那普利 2 0 mg/ d+长效心痛定1 0~ 40 mg/ d治疗老年高血压 82例 ,1~ 2次 / d,共 4周。结果 显效 5 2例 (
传统的英语教学总是围绕应试这个目标反复操练,把“题海战术”作为主要的训练方法。在这种教育观的指导下,英语教学忽视了学生的兴趣爱好,也影响了学生创新能力的培养。新课程标准下的教学目标要实现从单纯重视语法知识到既重视语法知识,又注重英语交际能力的转变。具体应充分体现以下几个理念:  一、学生的主体地位在英语教学中的体现  教学过程是教师根据不同的学习内容,让学生通过掌握、接受、探究、模仿、体验等学习方
根据所给中文提示以及相应的英文句子结构,选择最恰当的介词填空:  1. 我在查看我的文件时,意外地发现了她的信。  I found her letter _______ accident as I was looking through my files.  A. inB. on  C. atD. by  2. 这两个人经常见面——开始是偶然的,后来就是有意的了。  The pair met of
《韩擒虎话本》:“官健祗对:‘马军是海眼皂旗,步人是红旗,胜字田(填)心,大开寨门,一任百姓来往买卖。’”(黄征、张涌泉《敦煌变文校注》,中华书局,1997,30页)  《校注》:海眼:泉眼。《酉阳杂俎》续集四《贬误》:“蜀石笋街,夏中大雨,往往得杂色小珠,俗以为地当海眼。”项楚云:“海眼皂旗”为“有水波图案的黑旗”。  按:正如项楚先生所言:“古人认为某些泉眼潜通江海,称为‘海眼’”。如《清一统
目的 探讨冠心病 (CHD)患者经皮冠状动脉成形术 (PTCA)后对QT离散度 (QTd)及较正QT离散度 (QTcd)的影响。方法 经选择性冠状动脉造影 (CAG)确诊为冠心病 ,且行PTCA或 (及 )