The Mechanical Properties of Coastal Soil Treated with Cement

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluecluse
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The influences of cement type, cement content, and curing time on the unconfined compression strength(UCS) of soil-cement were investigated. The influence of groundwater on UCS of soil- cement was also studied. The experimental results indicate that the soil treated with high grade cement presents a higher UCS. Additionally, the UCS of soil-cement presents linearly increased with the cement content. A logarithm correlation between UCS and curing time presents to forecast the strength development. Compared with the UCS of samples immersed in distilled water, those immersed in groundwater present a higher value. The influences of cement type, cement content, and curing time on the unconfined compression strength (UCS) of soil-cement were investigated. The influence of groundwater on UCS of soil-cement was also studied. The experimental results that that the soil treated with Compared with UCS of soil-cement presents linearly increased with the cement content. A logarithm correlation between UCS and curing time presents to forecast the strength development. Compared with the UCS of samples immersed in distilled water, those immersed in groundwater present a higher value.
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