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一、江苏海岸带概况及海岸类型的划分(一)江苏海岸带概况江苏省海岸带位于我国沿海的中部,东临黄海,长江口的北侧.气候条件是以季风气候为背景,处于暖温带向北亚热带过渡,并受海洋性与大陆性气候双重影响;年降水最850—1080毫米,年平均温度13—15℃;气候适宜,雨量充沛,雨热同季,有利于农林牧渔业生产.海岸线北起苏鲁交界的绣针河口,南至长江口的启东咀,全长737.5公里.海岸带资源丰富,根据1982年的资料,海堤外滩涂面积523.16万亩,岸外沙洲低潮时露滩面积190万亩,堤内有可垦荒地142.75万亩,平均高潮位以上的为124.75万亩,海涂面积713万亩,其中平均高潮位以下的为588.6万亩,约占全国海涂总面积的六分之一.北部的连云港位于陇海铁路的终点,是中原与大西北地区的海上门户,连云港与云台山的旅游资源,随着区域经济的发展和基础设施的完善,可望得到充分利用.南部南通市濒江临海,地理位置和内外贸易条件都 I. Introduction of Jiangsu Coastal Zone and Division of Coastal Types (I) Overview of Jiangsu Coastal Zone Jiangsu Coastal Coastal Zone is located in the central part of China’s coastal area and to the north of the Yellow Sea and the Yangtze Estuary to the east. The climatic conditions are based on the monsoon climate, North subtropical transition, and dual maritime and continental climate; annual precipitation of the most 850-1080 mm, the annual average temperature of 13-15 ℃; climate is suitable, abundant rainfall, heat rainy season, is conducive to the production of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. The coastline stretches from the north to the north of Sulu at the intersection of Sulu and the mouth of the Yangtze River Estuary, a total length of 737.5 kilometers. The coastal zone is rich in resources. According to the 1982 data, Beach area of ​​1.9 million mu, the dike has reclamation 1.572 million mu of land, the average climax above 124.75 million mu of sea area of ​​713 mu, of which the average climax below 588.6 mu, accounting for the total area of ​​the national sea six The northern part of Lianyungang is located at the end of the Longhai Railway and is the gateway to the sea of ​​the Central Plains and the Greater Northwest China. The tourism resources of Lianyungang and Yuntaishan are expected to be fully utilized with the development of the regional economy and the improvement of infrastructure Nantong City, southern coast of Linjiang, geographical location and both domestic and foreign terms of trade
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