In-plane Uniaxial Anisotropy and Magnetization Reversal Mechanism of FeCo Films by Strip Pattern

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jc622
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Strip-like Fe Co films were patterned by a traditional lithograph process from intrinsically isotropic continuous Fe Co films. The strip-patterned Fe Co film shows a strong in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with easy axis along the length direction of the strip. The angular dependences of remanence ratio, switching field, and coercivity indicate that the magnetization reversal mechanism of the strip-patterned Fe Co film is coherent rotation and domain wall depinning when the applied field is near the hard axis and easy axis, respectively. The consistency of the experimental hysteresis loops of the strip-patterned Fe Co film and calculated hysteresis loops with a simple in-plane uniaxial anisotropy model indicates that the strip-patterned Fe Co film behaves as a single domain. The absence of the domain wall and the strong in-plane anisotropy field make the strip-patterned Fe Co films have much potential for high-frequency application. Strip-like Fe Co films were patterned by a conventional lithograph process from intrinsically isotropic continuous Fe Co films. The strip-patterned Fe Co film shows a strong in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with easy axis along the length direction of the strip. dependences of remanence ratio, switching field, and coercivity indicate that the magnetization reversal mechanism of the strip-patterned Fe Co film is coherent rotation and domain wall depinning when the applied field is near the hard axis and easy axis, respectively. The consistency of the experimental hysteresis loops of the strip-patterned Fe Co film and calculated hysteresis loops with a simple in-plane uniaxial anisotropy model indicates that the strip-patterned Fe Co film behaves as a single domain. The absence of the domain wall and the strong in- plane anisotropy field make the strip-patterned Fe Co films have much potential for high-frequency application.
Castleman 病是一种较少见的淋巴组织病,可以发生沿淋巴链走行的任何部位,纵隔最常见。组织学表现分两型:一种为透明血管型,占90%;另一种为浆细胞型。作者回顾性分析了10例纵
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通过对100例正常成人侧脑室容量和线性指标的CT测量,提出一种用线性指标推算侧脑室容量多元回归方法,结合侧脑室容量的正常值,能比较容易地判断侧脑室的扩大或缩小。 Based on CT me