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阅读是大学非专业俄语教学中的一项重要内容,尤其对于英语专业二外是俄语的学生来说,更是提高学生阅读能力的重要手段。二外学生俄语阅读能力也是其俄语水平的体现。本文拟从学生对俄语阅读的兴趣、打好基础抓好基本功训练、纠正不良阅读习惯、掌握好的阅读技巧等方面来谈谈二外学生的俄语阅读问题。 Reading is an important part of nonprofessional teaching in the university, especially for students majoring in English major or two who are Russian. It is also an important means to improve students’ reading ability. Two foreign students Russian reading ability is also a manifestation of their Russian level. This article intends to talk about the Russian reading of two foreign students in terms of their interest in reading Russian, laying a good foundation for basic training, correcting bad reading habits and mastering reading skills.
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目的 建立大规模测序方法 ,并用于造血干 祖细胞 (HSPC)基因表达谱的初步识别。方法 从脐血中分离CD34+ 细胞 ,构建cDNA文库 ,对其进行大规模表达序列标签 (EST)测序 ,用生
巴戟天酒源出《备急千金要方》,由巴戟天、牛膝、地骨皮、麦门冬、地黄、防风组成。此方乃孙氏所创温肾壮阳、强身健体方剂之一。全方药味简单 ,但配伍精当 ,力专效宏。笔者
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1 《食品卫生法》理顺了食品卫生监督体制 新近颁布的《食品卫生法》调整了食品卫生执法的主体,明确规定:县以上人民政府卫生行政部门在管辖范围内行使食品卫生监督职责。这
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近期欧洲艺术博览会(The European Fine Art Fair,简称为TEFAF)推出了一份艺术市场最新报告:《2010年全球艺术市场:危机与复苏》(The Global Art Market in 2010:Crisis and