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马德拉酒是非洲西海岸外马德拉岛出产的加烈葡萄酒。18世纪以前,此酒质量平平,不足称道。随着1703年英葡《梅休恩条约》的签订,马德拉酒取得了进入大西洋世界的通行证。其生产者和经销商根据欧洲饮酒文化、社会心理和市场需求调整了马德拉酒的生产方式和品质,并且根据通往美洲的大西洋航线的气候状况完成了一系列技术创新,最终在18世纪末19世纪初打造出一个以马德拉岛为枢纽、沟通大西洋世界的巨大贸易网络。然而,随着北美葡萄病虫害席卷全球,在19世纪后半期,作为大西洋贸易网内互动枢纽的马德拉岛最终难逃衰落的命运。跨越大西洋的大范围、多层面的互动成为马德拉酒兴衰的动力机制。 Madeira is a fortified wine produced in Madeira on the west coast of Africa. Before the 18th century, the quality of this wine was not good enough. With the signing of the Meinun Treaty of Angola in 1703, Madeira made a pass to the Atlantic world. Its producers and distributors adjusted the way and quality of Madeira wine production in accordance with European drinking culture, social psychology and market demand and completed a series of technological innovations based on the climatic conditions of the Atlantic route to the Americas. Eventually, at the end of the 18th century At the beginning of the 19th century, a huge trading network based on the Madeira Island as the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean was created. However, as grapevine pests in North America swept the globe, in the latter half of the 19th century, Madeira Island, an interactive hub within the Atlantic Trade Network, eventually failed to weather its decline. The wide-ranging and multi-dimensional interaction across the Atlantic has become the driving force behind the rise and fall of Madeira.
目的 :为寻求解除上肢痉挛性瘫痪的新途径提供理论依据。方法 :在手术显微镜下 ,对 43侧成人上肢标本解剖观测。了解痉挛性脑瘫所致上肢痉挛性屈肘、旋前和屈腕畸形的主动肌
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。新春乐@茅沅 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Happy Spring @ Mao