
来源 :社会科学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumujiayou
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在我国目前政社分开改革中,权力应是积极主导改革的主动者,政府要对社会权力积极进行规划培育,在社会的演化过程中社会权力得以成熟和健全,形成对政府权力的有效制约,并与政府协调互动,共同致力于社会的良好治理。如果离开国家主权背景下的政社完全独立自主,互不干涉的分散化治理,权力得到了有效分配,却将政社引向各自为政局面。因而应结合当前“整体性治理”与“分散性治理”理论,基于自主权力、交换权力与整合权力关系变化的分析框架,引入历史性要素和平衡性理念,尝试将二者进行理论上的整合,提出“整体化分散治理”构想,从而建构符合现实国情具有中国特色的新型政社权力关系。 In the current reform of the separation of government and society in our country, power should be the initiative to actively lead the reform. The government should actively plan and nurture the social power. In the process of social evolution, the social power should be matured and perfected, forming an effective restriction on government power. And coordinate and interact with the government to work together for the good governance of the community. If the political administrations leaving the national sovereignty background are completely independent and non-interfering in decentralized governance, their power is effectively distributed, but the political and social organizations are led to their own political situation. Therefore, we should combine the current “holistic governance ” and “decentralized governance ” theory, based on the analysis framework of autonomy, exchange of power and changes in the integration of power, the introduction of historic elements and the concept of balance, try to carry out the two In theory, we put forward the conception of “decentralization and decentralization” so as to construct a new type of political power relationship with Chinese characteristics in line with the reality of our country.
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目的探讨应用人重组肿瘤坏死因子 (rTNF)联合顺铂 (DDP)治疗癌性胸腔积液的疗效 .方法对 5 0例经病理证实为癌性胸腔积液的患者采用尽量抽净胸水后 ,胸腔内注入rTNF 2 0万U和