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锡金喜马拉雅地区是全球重要的生物多样性热点地区之一,该地区的农业生产系统最近已经被推荐作为联合国粮农组织(FAO)全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护的候选地。在这一地区,集中体现了被称为Demazong(稻米之谷)或香格里拉(消失的地平线)的神圣景观。这个神圣的、多样性的文化景观中,当地少数民族社区利用传统的生态知识对极为丰富的农业生物多样性进行适应和管理。多样化的农业生态系统,包括位于高山地区农牧复合系统Dokpas,位于温带地区的传统的农林复合系统(如桤木-草本混交农业系统),以及海拔较低的暖温带到亚热带农业气候区的梯田/谷地稻作系统。将富含文化多样性和生物多样性的土地利用系统与景观进行边缘化是一件十分荒谬的事情。但值得说明的是,尽管这里有着巨大的发展潜力,却长期存在着贫穷、进入市场困难、经济和生态较为脆弱等问题。锡金喜马拉雅地区的农业是一种典型的适应性管理系统,具有重要的生态系统服务功能,提供了具有重要经济价值的多样化的农作物品种,以及适应明显垂直分异农业生态区的多用途的植物物种。在那里生活着的不同的土著社区,依然保持着传统的生态知识,以适应、监测和响应生态系统的恢复能力与生态系统的服务功能。在本文中,我们探讨了传统农业在生物多样性保护中的作用,评估了从亚热带到高原农业生态区的多样性的生态系统管理途径,分析了对于农业生态系统的社会适应性与知识基础以及传统体制在促进该地区农业生产系统通过GIAHS在地区、国家和全球水平上获得更加广泛的认可的作用。我们认为,为减轻气候变化的可能影响和应对可能的新挑战,应当采用参与式的方式对传统农业进行监测,并制定科学的政策。锡金喜马拉雅地区的传统农业被认定为全球重要农业文化遗产,将有助于促进这一传统农业系统的保护,促进边际社区的环境健康和生计的可持续性,确保该地区的可持续发展。 The Sikkim Himalayas region is one of the most important biodiversity hot spots in the world and the agricultural production system in the area has recently been recommended as a candidate for the conservation of the GIAHS of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. In this area, the sacred landscape called Demazong (valley of rice) or Shangri-La (vanishing horizon) is concentrated. In this sacred, diverse cultural landscape, local ethnic minority communities use traditional ecological knowledge to adapt and manage extremely rich agricultural biodiversity. Diverse agroecosystems include Dokpas, an agroforestry system in the high mountainous areas, traditional agroforestry systems (such as alder-herb mixed agro-systems) in temperate regions, and low-altitude warm temperate zones in subtropical agro-climatic zones Terraced rice fields / valley system. It is ridiculous to marginalize land-use systems and landscapes that are rich in cultural diversity and biodiversity. However, it is worth noting that despite its huge development potential here, poverty, market access, economic and ecological vulnerability are longstanding. Agriculture in the Sikkim Himalayas is a typical adaptive management system with important ecosystem services that provide diversified crop varieties with important economic value as well as multipurpose plants that adapt to apparently vertically-spaced agro-ecological zones Species. The different indigenous communities that live there still maintain traditional ecological knowledge to adapt, monitor and respond to ecosystem resilience and ecosystem services. In this paper, we explore the role of traditional agriculture in the conservation of biodiversity, assess the ecosystem approach to biodiversity from the subtropics to agro-ecological zones in the plateau, analyze the social adaptation and knowledge base of agro-ecosystems, and Traditional institutions have gained a broader recognition of agricultural production systems in the region through GIAHS at the regional, national and global levels. In our opinion, in order to mitigate the potential impact of climate change and respond to possible new challenges, we should adopt a participatory approach to monitoring traditional agriculture and formulating a scientific policy. Traditional agriculture in the Himalayas in Sikkim is recognized as a globally important agricultural heritage and will help to promote the conservation of this traditional agricultural system, promote the environmental health and livelihoods of marginalized communities, and ensure the sustainable development of the area.
高中政治课相较于其他学科,理论性更强,有些内容又过于抽象,难以理解。在政治课上,常常会看到孩子们困惑茫然的眼神和渐渐低垂的脸,课堂气氛沉闷,教师的授课热情也跟着消退,教学效果大打折扣。如何让高中生爱上政治课,让师生在轻松愉快、生动活泼的氛围中高效学习,是高中政治教师应该思考的问题。  一、建立民主和谐、互信互爱的师生关系,以情促趣  真正的智慧从来就是离不开情感的,因此师生之间能否建立良好的感情,