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提拔使用干部意味着是把权力交给忠诚于马克思主义、对党和人民忠心耿耿、克己奉公的人,还是交给想利用权力达到个人目的的人,这要取决于是否完整准确地贯彻执行任人唯贤的干部路线和德才兼备的原则.一名干部好比一棵树,无德不茂;好比一块钢,无德不硬;好比一块玉,无德不美.著名作家萧军说:“好人不见得是好官,但好官却必须是好人;没有一流的人品作底子,从政肯定要跌跤子.”从古到今,“奸臣”也好,贪官污吏也罢,问题无不出在德上.只有德才兼备,具有完善的人格,才能防微杜渐,经得起执政、改革开放和市场经济的考验,过好名位关、用权关、金钱关、色情关、人情关,成为时代的骄子.因此,在提拔使用干部中必须坚决克服重才轻德的弊端,将德作为前提,放在首位.无德无才者,自然不予重用;有才无德者,亦不予重用.不讲学习,不讲政治,不讲正气的不重用.江泽民总书记最近指出:干部特别是领导干部要讲学习,讲政治,讲正气.学习是干部增长知识、加强修养、改造世界观的必经途径.在当前尤其要学好邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论,全面领会其精神实质,增强拒腐防变的免疫力.不学习,思想僵化或“脱缰”,迟早会被时代所淘汰. Promoting the use of cadres means giving power to those who are loyal to Marxism, loyal to the party and the people, who are self-denying, or those who want to use their power for personal ends, depending on whether the meritocracy is fully and accurately implemented Cadres line and the principle of both ability and political integrity.A cadre is like a tree, no virtue is not Mao; like a piece of steel, no virtue is not hard; like a piece of jade, no virtue is not beautiful.Famous writer Xiao Jun said: Is a good official, but a good official must be a good person; without first-rate character as the foundation, politics must fall. “Since ancient times,” traitors “Ye Hao, Corrupt officials worth mentioning, the problem is all out of virtue. Only with the ability and political integrity and perfect personality can we guard against gradual deterioration and stand the test of governance, reform and opening up and the market economy. Therefore, in the promotion and use of cadres, we must resolutely overcome the shortcomings of heavy and light morality and regard morality as the precondition in the first place. Those who are virtuous and unscrupulous will not be reused naturally; those who have no virtue will not be reused. Learn, do not talk about politics, do not speak upright not General Secretary Jiang Zemin recently pointed out: Cadres, especially leading cadres, should pay attention to learning, politics and righteousness.Learning is a necessary way for cadres to increase their knowledge, enhance their accomplishments and reform their outlook on the world.In the present, we should learn from Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s efforts in building Chinese characteristics The theory of socialism comprehensively grasps its spiritual essence and enhances the immunity against corruption and defilement. Sooner or later it will be eliminated by the times without studying, thinking rigidly or ”running wild."
案例推理(Case-Based Reasoning, CBR)是商业预测领域的预测方法之一,它在保持较好预测性能的同时可对预测结果做出解释。企业经营中,失败企业比例小,正常企业比例大,但一个